Montana Wolves

  • This year marks the 2nd Annual Speak for Wolves near Yellowstone National Park. On August 7-9, 2015 people will gather in the Union Pacific Dining Lodge in West Yellowstone, Montana to hear about the need to reform wildlife management in America. The 3-day family-friendly event will feature speakers, panelists, live music, children’s activities and wildlife…

  • Group wants to publicize any hunt violations- A new group has formed to go into the lightly monitored backcountry to protect the Yellowstone Park boundary from any violations in the Montana wolf hunt, which is now underway for archery. The general wolf rifle hunt begins September 15. Calling itself “Yellowstone Wolf patrol,” a news release…

  • Hunters split. So were wolf advocates- The wolf stamp hearing is over. It was teleconferenced. It seems like those for it were about equal to the number of opponents. Just as interesting is the hunters were divided on it, and so were wolf advocates. The split among the latter has been mirrored at the Wildlife…

  • By Brooks Fahy, Executive Director, Predator Defense Recently one of our county’s most highly respected environmental organizations, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), proposed that wildlife advocates improve the plight of wolves in Montana by purchasing a special wolf “conservation” stamp for $20. The money raised would allegedly be used to resolve wolf conflicts nonlethally,…

  • Recently I received an alert from the Greater Yellowstone Coalition (GYC) asking me to send a letter to the Montana Dept of Fish, Wildlife and Parks  (MDFWP) requesting a slight reduction in their wolf killing/trapping quota outside of Yellowstone Park. The main rationale of the alert was that wolves were important to the local economy…

  • Many hunter organizations like to promote the idea that hunters were the first and most important conservation advocates. They rest on their laurels of early hunter/wildlife activist like Teddy Roosevelt, and George Bird Grinnell who, among other things, were founding members of the Boone and Crocket Club. But in addition to being hunter advocates, these…

  • Four-year old grizzly steps in trap on Rocky Mountain Front, Montana- Last year’s wolf trapping season in Idaho and Montana had a horrible by-catch ratio — animals other than wolves were trapped and many of them were injured or died. Anti-wolf mania, as some would call it, continues. Now the first grizzly bear, a bear close…

  • Pop. estimate says 625 wolves, down 4%- Montana wildlife officials plan to reduce the size of the state’s recovered wolf population was successful in 2012. The “count” is public, and the estimate is a minimum of 625 wolves arranged into 147 wolf packs. Among the packs were  37 breeding pairs as of the end of 2012.…

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