cougar hunting

  • Oregon legislature fails to resurrect hunting practice banned by Oregon voters in 1994- Cougar hunting bill dies in Senate committee. Ashland Daily Tidings. Cougar hunting interests say they will try again in 2012.

  • George Wuerthner critiques the assumption that cougar hunting will decrease conflict with humans. Oregon’s assumptions on cougar hunting misplaced – George Wuerthner, Oregon, like many western states, allows cougar hunting. Part of the justification for hunting is the assumption that killing cougars will reduce livestock losses and increase public safety.  There is, however, growing…

  • Cougars in chaos. How a state hunting policy pushed Washington’s big cats to the brink. April 14, 2008. By Liza Gross. High Country News. Earlier I posted. Special Washington cougar hunt backfires Other states like Idaho and Oregon are headed down the same path.

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