disease politics

  • Again, it’s not about disease, it’s about control over land, wildlife and people. Bison in quarantine near Gardiner. Photo © Kim Acheson, Buffalo Field Campaign Used with permission. While I think that the quarantine plan is misguided I do believe that those bison in the program should be allowed to roam freely as wildlife. This…

  • Mark Rey recently issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) requiring the Forest Service to test bighorn sheep for disease before the federal government allows states to transplant wild sheep on Forest lands.  As one might guess, this move chafes at state wildlife managers’ long-held claim to exclusive management of wildlife. It’s angering bighorn advocates & environmentalists…

  • This article dates from 2003, but it is relevant because it is so clear the Western public lands livestock industry is not interested in curbing wildlife diseases, only exploiting them for political gain . . . even diseases that threaten livestock. The post above this one is on a closely related matter. Researchers say wolves…

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