feral dogs

  • Huge Gambian rats trapped in Florida Keys. The kind of animals that do need to be eliminated- Given the huge controversy over trapping our native wildlife, there are many animals that need to be trapped, shot, fished out, etc.,  and it largely is not native wildlife.  Here is one example from one of the most…

  • Rural West going to the dogs. WESTERN ROUNDUP. High Country News. By Troy Anderson. Note that this is a partial article. You need a subscription to High Country News to read it all. This article is a useful corrective for those who can only worry about wolves, cougars and bears, although I don’t particularly like…

  • “Feral dog attacks in southern Idaho have killed or injured about 100 sheep, goats and chickens this month. . . ” Associated Press. So far this year the 700 Idaho wolves have killed about 150 sheep. I don’t know the total for feral dogs in the whole state. This story is about one month in…

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