Koch Brothers

  • The Koch Brothers, enemy of the world- A few months ago hardly anyone had heard of these two selfish billionaires who have been funding much of the far right’s effort to tear down the protection of our water, air, food supply, as well as, IMO, support policies that will destroy America herself. They support a…

  • Billionaire tea party funders effort to kill CA emissions law- We posted about this repeal effort earlier, but a good article about the Koch Brothers by a California minister. Passing Prop. 23 would send California Reeling Backwards. Syndicated Columnist, Author, Pastor of the Resurrection Community Church Oakland, CA

  • The very rich funding political causes is not new, but the billionaire Koch Brothers are finally getting much deserved publicity- That money is the “mothers milk of politics” is well known, but the identify of the mothers often isn’t. In recent years the role of really rich people funding their causes has mushroomed.  Rightwingers will…

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