
  • This story has a lot of twists and turns from various officials- This story, at least the earlier version of it, has already been discussed a lot in “have you hears any good wildlife . . .” I decided it was time to post the outcome: dead man and dead bear.  Was this a screwup,…

  • This one may not have serious injury to the hunter- I want to note that JerryB posted a version this story as a comment earlier, but it isn’t good to post an entire story because they are copyrighted. Paradise Valley hunter mauled by grizzly bear. By Ben Pierce. Bozeman Chronicle Staff Writer. One hunter seems…

  • The 3 cubs were in good shape and couldn’t be trapped. In addition, there is yet another sow with 3 cubs in the area! Rather than some marginal glade far from grizzly country (the Eldorado Grove), this sounds like grizzly central at this time of year where the bears are fat and cubs do well.…

  • Grizzlies are moving north of the Park in anticipation of the remains of the hunt- This happens every year, Hunter mauled by grizzly north of Gardiner. By Jessica Mayrer Bozeman Chronicle Staff Writer. Update: I found out today the incident was in Eagle Creek. That’s hardly “north” of Gardiner. It’s between Gardiner and Jardine, just…

  • He did shoot the bear, and many assumed it would die. They were right. It was found in Little Trail Creek near Gardiner, Montana with part of its jaw blasted off. It had one or two year cubs which are still in the area. Story in the Billings Gazette.

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