
  • Attached is a Zoom talk I gave to the Massachusetts Sierra Club on the ecological costs of livestock grazing in the West, but I also provide evidence that livestock production has a serious global impact.  

  • Domestic sheep grazing in the Gravelly Range, Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, Montana. Photo George Wuerthner  A recent article on the Helle family and their domestic sheep grazing operations on the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest was published In a November Bozeman Daily Chronicle. The piece was a puff piece on the sheep grazing practices of the Helle family…

  •   Biologist radio tracking wolves in Montana. Photo George Wuerthner  Years ago, I was in a graduate wildlife biology seminar where we discussed major issues of the day. At one of the meetings, the topic was finding work in wildlife research. There were three wildlife biology professors presenting that day. After they each gave a…

  •   Cattle grazing in designated wilderness at the Mojave National Preserve, California. Photo George Wuerthner  Cows in designated wilderness areas? Does that seem like an oxymoron? Wilderness Areas are supposed to be places where natural processes and native species are given priority. With the election of the Biden administration, it may be time to reconsider…

  • In the latest Jackson Hole News and Guide, outdoor writer Todd Wilkinson discusses the question, “Do wolves, cougars help curb diseases?” At the Wildlife News we have posed the same question. Properly stated this question can be investigated scientifically. First a hypothesis (or hypotheses) need to be stated in a way that things can be observed…

  • 5 Keys to Reforming Wildlife Management in America- Over the years, I have come to realize that the current wildlife management model in America, at the federal level, and particularly, the state level, is broken. The system is such, in which, politics trumps the best-available science, the special interest-minority overwhelms the democratic-majority and the almighty…

  • Recently we were informed of a new effort by two conservation groups, a Native American tribe and livestock interests “to secure $25 million from the upcoming 2012 Farm Bill to help livestock producers reduce the risk of livestock losses to grizzly bears, wolves, black bears and mountain lions.” This taxpayer money is meant to “reduce…

  • New York Times picks up and opines about the earlier story on the critical role of large predators- Earlier (July 14) we ran the story. Now the “gray lady” has written a welcome editorial. The Peak and Life Below It. New York Times editorial.

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