Western Watersheds Project

  • Federal government is a year overdue deciding whether to protect the smallest rabbit- Group sues to force decision on pygmy rabbits. By Nicholas K. Geranios. Associated Press Writer

  • Just a little help for one of my favorite organizations- Western Watersheds Project has an event in Tucson, AZ on Thurs. Feb. 18. Join WWP Executive Director, Jon Marvel, Arizona Director, Greta Anderson and Arizona Legal Counsel, Erik Ryberg, along with other WWP staff and members, for an evening in Tucson.  Learn about our work to save the Mexican…

  • No on a constitutional amendment to protect ranchers from competitive bidding on state lands- Idaho was given over 2-million acres of federal land at statehood to be managed to provide maximum income for the public schools.. These school endowment lands do make money for the schools, but almost all of it comes from timber sales…

  • Judge Winmill largely rules in favor of plaintiffs on the Nickel Creek case- From Western Watersheds Project v. Department of Interior: “For the reasons explained below, the Court will grant WWP’s motion in part, finding that the decision of the Interior Board of Land Appeals is arbitrary and capricious, and remanding the matter to the…

  • Western Watersheds Project wins appeal in Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest overturning a grazing decision for the Franklin Basin Allotment in northern Utah- Over the years the popular Franklin Basin area of the Cache National Forest in Bear River Range just south of the Idaho border has been increasingly pummeled by cattle and sheep. One result has…

  • Western Watersheds new Montana office goes to work on another lawsuit- Environmentalists, outfitters file suit to end grazing in Upper Missouri River Breaks. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Note that earlier they filed to let Yellowstone bison use national forests outside of Yellowstone. This lawsuit was assigned to Judge Molloy. The bison lawsuit went to…

  • Lawsuit’s aftermath forces Idaho’s Land Board set rules allowing conservationists to lease state grazing lands- The Western Watersheds Project was born when Jon Marvel outbid a rancher at a state grazing lease auction, and the Land Board gave the lease to the rancher anyway*. Finally, Idaho’s Land Board is apparently going to let other interests…

  • A new resource page for the case Western Watersheds Project, et al. v. Salazar I hope this new page will prove to be another site for good information on efforts to compell the Park Service and Forest Service to stop cooperating in the bison slaughter and eventually allow a significant number of bison to live…

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