February 25, 2007
At Potamogeton Park, Madison Range, Montana. Gallatin National Forest. Photo by Ralph Maughan I believe that spending as much of your life as possible defending the Western lands, water, air and wildlife is an act of pure virtue.Your actions needs no other justification, but make sure you get plenty of time out on the land…
This should be so obvious, but I has finally dawned on me that many elk hunters think that those who have supported the wolf restoration, hate elk, or at best are indifferent to elk. Because wolves eat elk, deer, moose, etc. it should be obvious that wolf supporters have a great interest in the health…
Now that Dale Bosworth is a free man, but no longer a person with authority as when he was Bush’s Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, he tells us that he basically supported President’s Clinton’s national forest roadless area protection role, not Bush’s. I can only hope he did his best to sabotage the Bush…
Bison on elk refuge top 1,000 animals. Jackson Hole News and Guide. The bison growth is really out of hand with them having access to all this artificial winter feed. They will destroy the summer range of Jackson Hole. It looks like the growth rate remains about 100 a year despite the bison hunt in…
This story is from the carnivore conservation blog. It seems like shooting animals in an enclosure and calling it “hunting” is a growing problem all over the world, with ethically challenged entrepreneurs in South Africa just like in Idaho. Fortunately, people are taking action against this practice. South Africa bans hunting caged lions. Carnivore Conservation
Alberta is an oil and gas development basket case. Wyoming is heading that way quickly. Will Montana soon follow? Story about Montana’s growing oil and gas damage in the Bozeman Chronicle. By Scott McMillian
A ten year old female mountain lion was recently accidentally trapped in North Dakota. The mountain lion is now making a comeback in the state, and she might have played a very large role. Story in the Bismark Tribune. . . . More on the story. The cougar was trapped in a bobcat snare. There…