April 26, 2007

  • Perhaps you’ve heard – the bees are missing… Being among other things a horticulturist, I am acutely aware of the implications. Entomologists, biologists, ecologists, and a host of other disciplines take note: The bees are missing ~ and no one knows why ~ Buzz Off The Economist Colony collapse disorder, as the phenomenon has become…

  • Rocky Barker has written about the Owyhee Initiative in the Idaho Statesman: Letters from the West: Owyhee coalition still standing

  • The Salt Lake Tribune has published an interesting story about public land disputes in Utah. Local authorities there are thumbing their noses at federal regulation of federal public land. The result of such localized insistance of authority is sadly predictable: State Rep. Mike Noel, a Republican from the southern community of Kanab, said: It gets…

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