April 30, 2007
From the Casper Star Tribune, Story about water wells in the Pinedale and Jonah gas fields being contaminated by benzene and other hydrocarbons. Well Probe Points to Trucks. By Whitney Royster. Post 1075
More on the RAT. By Greg Lewis. Tucson Citizen. Who are the interests behind the pay-to-use-your-public-land philosophy? post 1073
This sounds very serious. It could spread. Ebola-like virus killing fish in Great Lakes. USA Today. By Dennis Cauchon. post 1072
This is a piece from Writers on the Range. Why would a federal agency trash its libraries? Jeff Ruch. The Bush Administration calls it “de-accessioning” their library. There have been a lot of stories about this action. This is the first posting I have made. post 1071
I’m a but unsure this is news because every winter and spring the class of elk that wolves find the easiest to kill in Yellowstone seems to vary, but here is the article Yellowstone wolves again eating older elk. Jackson Hole News and Guide. post 1070
State calls off coyote hunt. By Matt Christensen. Times-News writer. The South Hills are not in South Central Idaho like the article says. They are in extreme southern Idaho. Shooting coyotes by paid employees from aircraft to reduce their numbers is not properly called “a hunt” post 1069
For delisted grizzlies, future is now. By Mike Stark of the Billings Gazette. post 1068