October 19, 2007
Global warming denialists have continued to try to make a big thing out of this U.K. court case about “An Inconvenient Truth.” The Daily Kos has an article about the plaintiff in the lawsuit as well as many links about the case. There is also a link to Al Gore’s response.
This is from the WWP blog about a range inspection tour we went on back in early October on the Lost River Ranger District. That is in the Lost River Mountains. We looked at conditions at the end of the grazing season in Pass Creek, Pine Creek, and Wet Creek. The Forest Service district ranger…
A 700 pound grizzly (huge for the interior Rocky Mountains) was hit and killed by a pickup truck on Highway 200 not far from Lincoln, Montana. This is in the NCDE grizzly recovery area, not the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Story: Pickup truck kills 700-pound griz near Lincoln. By John Cramer. Missoulian – – – –…
The House Natural Resources committee gave NREPA, the Northern Rockies ecoystem protection act it’s first hearing yesterday. You will read objections of people like Idaho governor Butch Otter, and Montana’s lone U.S. Representative Denny Rehberg. These people have opposed much smaller efforts too, even those with lots of local backing. On the other hand, objections…