January 19, 2008

  • Don Young of Alaska is one of the most unpleasant and disliked members of the House, much like his cranky Senate counterpart, Ted “Bridge to Nowhere” Stevens. His tactics on this issue are like his tactics on all issues — mean. Fortunately, polls shows voters in Alaska might be ready to finally defeat him. The…

  • Elk, deer survival high despite prowling wolves. Idaho’s increasing wolf population doesn’t appear to be hurting other wildlife. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. “Elk and deer survival remains high despite the growing wolf population in Idaho.’ Barker’s story is old news. This has been reported time after time, but it is in the Idaho Statesman…

  • This is from Rocky Barker’s blog today. Idaho Statesman. I’ve been aware for some time that not everyone believes the now readily apparant (and predicted) spurt of growth of willows, aspen, and cottonwood on the Northern Range of Yellowstone is not a wolf upon elk effect. I think it could be both wolves and a…

  • Battle over Bighorn. By Sven Berg. South Idaho Press. The first in a 2 part series. These bighorn issue should be noted by all those who write about predators and hunting because it shows the ranchers are not just anti-wolf, but against any wildlife they think hurts their bottom line. I recall an old bumper…

  • Wolf tracks found in RMNP. By Pamela Dickman. Longmont Times-Call. Recall that about a month ago there was a sighting of what was thought to be a wolf in the Park. These tracks are NOT really proof of a

  • Forest Service looks at changes. By Brodie Farquhar. Casper Star-Tribune correspondent. This proposal would greatly change this old line public lands agency. It will further deplete the number of employees actually on the ground. Here is the view of PEER. It’s a new release. Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. Forest Service To Pull Its Scientists…

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