January 24, 2008
This is from a special section of the New York Times today regarding the new 10j rule. Howling Over Federal Plan to Expand Wolf Killing. By Andrew C. Revkin. The article’s author gets credit for writing “In a news release, the Fish and Wildlife Service said the states needed more flexibility to allow them to…
Oil & Gas Symposium: Montana Cannot Become Another Wyoming. By Hal Herring. New West.
Here is some great news! Update: Video of the Oregon wolf on YouTube. Update: Here is the story from a local newspaper. Biologist sees wolf in Wallowas. Baker City Herald. By Jayson Jacoby. Update: Here is the story in the Oregonian. Idaho wolf spotted in northeast Oregon. The radio-collared female is the first live wolf…
Today the new 10j rule governing the “experimental, non-essential” population of wolves in most of Idaho, all of Wyoming, and most of Montana was released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This is what will govern management of wolves even if delisting is set aside. From the standpoint of those who want more than…
Confirmed wolf predations decline. Wolf Management in Wyoming. By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online! Confirmed livestock losses to wolves dropped by over 55% from 2006. 55 cattle (mostly calves) and 16 sheep we confirmed lost to wolves. For this 60 wolves were shot, mostly by Wildlife Services. Of course there were some livestock killed, but not…
CALL FOR PAPERS 20th Annual North American Wolf Conference April 8-10, 2008 Chico Hot Springs & Resort – Pray, Montana Papers are now being accepted for the 2008 North American Wolf Conference April 8-10th, 2008 with a field trip on Friday, April 11th, to Yellowstone National Park. The conference is returning to Chico Hot Springs…