March 14, 2008
Idaho wolves are moving into Oregon, but soon wolves in Eastern Oregon will no longer be a federally protected species (assuming delisting actually happens). However, Oregon has its own strict, but only partially completed state wolf plan. So wolves will remain legally protected in Eastern Oregon (but by the state). According to the Wallowa County…
The President of Westland/Hallmark Meat testified to Congress that he got sick viewing the secret video of his employees maltreated sick cows so they could be slaughtered. He reluctantly said the sick meat got into the food supply. The video prompted the largest meat recall in U.S. History. Story in the New York Times. Meat…
A real black mark will be set today as Yellowstone Park sends 200 more bison to slaughter. Below is part of an update from the Buffalo Field Campaign. – – – – – – Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field March 13, 2008 —————————— AMERICAN BISON ELIMINATED from the last wild population…
Park trespassing raises flags. By Daniel Person. Bozeman Chronicle Staff Writer