September 2008

  • As most of you are aware, this is produced by Idaho Fish and Game Dept. There is more actual news in this one, including a new population estimate that shows Idaho’s wolf population up slightly compared to last year’s “end of the year” — official — report. In this report and others, it is becoming…

  • Good news for wolves keeps rolling out. The Great Lakes wolves have won reprieve in federal court, preventing the Bush’s Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) attempt to delist: Court rules against U.S. in Great Lakes wolf case – AP

  • On TV news tonight I see Sarah Palin is getting ready to blast Joe Biden and Barrick Obama for opposing “clean coal,” although I noted Obama has said he does support it. He shouldn’t. Coal is inherently dirty. “Clean coal” is simply use of coal in a way that is not so dirty as other…

  • Wyoming’s wolf free-fire, “wolves-are-vermin” zone killed delisting- We can’t say this for certainty, but Judge Molloy’s decision which caused the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to throw in the towel for the time being on wolf delisting, had its origins in orgy of wolf killing in Wyoming immediately after the wolf was delisted. This is…

  • Palin and the gold mine above Bristol Bay- Salah Palin may have violated state law when she tried to divorce herself from the fact that she was governor to register her opposition to a ballot referendum designed to kill the Pebble Mine. She basically endorsed the controversial Pebble mine that could destroy the world class…

  • Where do we go from here (on YNP snowmobiles)? About 2 weeks ago, we reported that a federal judge had voided YNP’s winter use plan, bringing yet another change, and a big one, in this 7-year old studying, planning, commenting, and legal battle over the use and number, if any, of snowmobiles allowed inside Yellowstone…

  • Wolves show scientists are barking up the wrong tree It’s believed that dogs are more sensitive to human gestures and desires than wolves due to their genetic adaptation during thousands of years of domestication. One recent study indicates this might not be strictly true. Story: Wolves show scientists are barking up the wrong tree

  • Wolves for Colorado in the Flat Tops? WildEarth Guardians is petitioning the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to restore wolves to four Colorado areas with the most emphasis on the Flat Tops area north of Glenwood Springs (part of it is a Wilderness area). The other areas in the petition are “the Grand Mesa-Uncompahgre-Gunnison national…

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