It’s official: ‘Feds ask to put wolves back on endangered list’

It’s official, FWS has made the request to pull it’s decision to delist :

Feds ask to put wolves back on endangered listAP

It’s looking like there will be a whole new public comment period in the future.



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  1. John Avatar

    Good news, very good news.

  2. catbestland Avatar

    Yay!!!!!!! That battle is won but we have lots more to go.

  3. frank Avatar

    Yes, the battle is won, keep fighting the war.

  4. vicki Avatar

    Right on “Teach”!

  5. Terry Nissen Avatar
    Terry Nissen

    I was in Yellowstone the day the good news came through. I was jumping with joy…..and on Sept. 20th, the day we were leaving for home, saw the Slough Creek Pack in all their glory….I think 8 black and seven gray….no pups. Wonder what the Druids are up to…..Congrats guys …you’re endangered again !!!

  6. Barb Avatar

    I wonder if wolf advocacy groups could be successful in suing Wildlife Services for irreparable damage to the natural ecosystem?

  7. Ralph Maughan Avatar

    Brian Ertz has just posted this news. Thanks !!

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