January 2009
The Subsidized Destruction of the American West Continues. $1.35 per AUM The Federal grazing fee for 2009 will be $1.35 per animal unit month (AUM) for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and $1.35 per head month (HM) for lands managed by the Forest Service. The grazing fee for 2009 is the…
Cheney to be guest of honor at American Museum of Fly Fishing- Outdoor writer not happy about honoring the fish killer, former VP. On second thought, Mr. Cheney. By Ted Williams. Writers on the Range, High Country News. – – – – – In fact, Cheney loves to fly cast. I’ve always thought a Wyoming…
Status of Drift River terminal is not known due to homeland security secrecy- Will a natural disaster trigger an oil spill disaster? We don’t know because of lingering secrecy from the Bush Administration. Story: “Drift River Oil Terminal sits in harm’s way of volcano. SECRECY: Citing homeland security, officials give out little information about the…
“Having the Department of Livestock manage wildlife is a direct conflict of interest.” Here is the Bozeman newspaper’s take on the hearing to make bison “wildlife” in Montana. Note they have the bill number wrong. It is HB253, not 243. Montana FWP did not support the bill. Bison advocates speak their mind in Helena. By…
There is going to be a big fight over this rapidly growing development as its external costs become more widely known- Environmentalists setting up anti-oilsands training camp in Calgary. By Kelly Cryderman, Canwest News Service For more information, here is the blog “Oil Sands Watch.” It has interesting information like “Oil Sands Development Could Claim…
Major volcano close to Anchorage and Seward could have major wildlife and economic impacts- Alaskans brace for Redoubt Volcano eruption. By Dan Joling. AP
Great news! Will it pan out? Fish and Game forecasting the largest salmon returns in years. In other news, F&G will issue fewer moose tags and mountain goat permits in 2009 and 2010. By Roger Phillips. Idaho Statesman. More money and more political battling have been used to restore salmon (and steelhead) than any other…
Not a bad year for grizzlies in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, unlike the Greater Yellowstone- Thirteen grizzlies were known to have died, eleven were human caused. Is it significant that the grizzly in the NCDE is still listed as a “threatened species” and the Greater Yellowstone population has been delisted? Graphical display of 2008…