April 2010

  • A female grizzly without any history of human conflict will be selected for the move. This has been done a few times over the years but the idea of moving grizzly bears into areas that don’t already have them or across state boundaries has been out of the question due to the hysteria that surrounds…

  • Cal Groen Claims that the balance in the Lolo “is completely out of whack” People have been discussing this on another thread but I thought it deserved its own. Some of the same old arguments on why even more wolves need to be killed next year are being made and how IDFG will allow even…

  • 1,142 acres of BLM Land in southeast Idaho could be sold to Simplot for phosphate mining This would be a precedent setting decision that would eliminate access to this land and limit input into how it is managed. Agency mulls selling public land for mine TODD DVORAK – Associated Press

  • Status Review is a result of a lawsuit Wolverines are very rare in the Lower 48 but there have been a few notable confirmations of them in Colorado where there is one being tracked by a gps collar and another in California which has been photographed with a remote camera for three consecutive years. They…

  • They need old growth forests for survival My wife and I were fortunate enough to see a fisher as we were driving over Lolo Pass a couple of years ago. This is one of the few areas where fishers still have a native population in the Rockies and, according to the press release, they are…

  • Reported sightings in the Cascades of Washington State lead to funding to search for grizzlies. There have been reported sightings of grizzly bears for many years in the Cascades of Washington but very little has been confirmed. As the article states, grizzly bears don’t usually disperse long distances like wolves do so colonizing new areas…

  • The investigation of Macho B’s death is ongoing I saw this story but was too busy to post it when it was published last month. I’m posting it now because I think it is an important story and also because we’ve been covering the saga of Macho B, the last wild jaguar in the US.…

  • Ted Williams writes about how photography of game farm animals has become commonpace. Wildlife fauxtography: Nature as it isn’t Ted Williams – in the Salt Lake tribune

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