August 12, 2010
Manipulation of science remains the same or worse. In the first year and a half of the Obama Administration nothing has really changed with regard to environmental policy across several agencies. In fact, I think it has gotten worse for two reasons. One, things haven’t changed, and two, people just want to believe that Obama…
A couple of years ago, Steve Nadeau answered a question I had about the impact that a public hunt would have to wolf populations. At that time, as the state was posturing for “competent manager” status, Nadeau spent much effort trying to reassure advocates that state managers had a good idea what effect a hunt…
Herd lives close to site of previous die-offs After last winter’s disastrous die-off of bighorn sheep in Montana, Utah, Nevada, and Washington State it seemed the news couldn’t get any worse for bighorn sheep. Well, today comes news of another outbreak of pneumonia in a heard of 100 bighorn sheep east of Hamilton, Montana. Officials…
The “capture” of wildlife agencies, both state and federal, by agricultural interests continues, this time in the state of Nevada where another ‘flat-earther’ has been appointed to a position of authority over wildlife management. Hank Vogler, a domestic sheep rancher who has actively denied the relationship between disease die-offs in bighorn sheep herds and contact…