October 5, 2010

  • Death is under investigation The radio collared 2-year-old male of the Wenaha Pack has been killed. It is under USFWS investigation which generally means that it was killed illegally. Protected wolf killed in NE Oregon. Associated Press

  • Michael J. Connor, Ph.D. California Director Western Watersheds Project Secretary of the Interior Salazar is about to initial a series of major giveaways of public lands in California to industrial-scale solar power producers. These “fast-tracked” power plant projects have had truncated environmental reviews in the current administration’s rush to place huge chunks of public land…

  • Western Watersheds Project’s litigation and recent scientific studies changing the playing field. Across the West domestic sheep operations threaten the viability of bighorn sheep populations and have caused serious declines because of the diseases they carry. Last winter there were ten populations that suffered from pneumonia outbreaks and many more are suffering the lingering effects…

  • Note that this replaces the 16th edition. That edition will now move slowly into the depths of the blog. Please don’t post entire articles here, just the link, title and your comments about the article. Most of these violate copyright law. They also take up too much space.

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