December 21, 2010

  • Center for Biological Diversity seeks to return wolves to West Coast, New England, Southern Rockies and Great Plains The Center for Biological Diversity has filed litigation in response to the lack of response to their petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to expand protections for wolves across a significant portion of their historical…

  • The wolf bills are probably dead I’ve rewritten this post as it appears that there is still a chance for a bill to move in the Senate. The bill that would have removed wolves from the Endangered Species Act has failed and the bill which would have removed protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana…

  • Cumulatively they lost $9600 and 12 years of hunting privileges. Another form of poaching that is probably more common than this one incident might indicate. This case shows how difficult it is to convict many poachers. It took two years to catch someone using the bait station after it was first discovered. Is poaching becoming…

  • Now, your opportunity to comment on the Pocatello, Midnight, and Michaud grazing allotments- Comments are due Jan. 4, 2011- An opportunity like this only comes along every ten years or so.  I know a lot of people have been furious for years about the cattle grazing in the Bannock Range immediately west and south of…

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