March 22, 2011
At least in South Dakota. Hopefully more generally- With all the budget problems, finally here is a good one — USDA Wildlife Services is running out of funding for aerial predator control. Aerial predator control is grounded. AP
Earlier we learned why Western Watersheds Project stands firm. Does not join wolf settlement. Now initial briefs have been filed before the Court, with the Settling Parties filing a motion for an indicative ruling, essentially asking the judge whether he would partially stay the August 2010 order vacating and setting aside the U.S. Fish and…
“NRA, SCI, and CSF Disavow Misleading Press Release-“ This news release/warning or whatever it is has been making the round. Can anyone figure it out? Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – NRA, SCI, and CSF Disavow Misleading Press Release Today the National Rifle Association, Safari Club International and the Congressional Sportsmen’s…