May 2013

  • Human activities tearing up the Mojave and Sonoran deserts set loose potentially lethal spores- Residents of the desert areas of Arizona, California, Utah and New Mexico generally become aware that they could get a nasty fungal disease called coccidioidomycosis (kok-sid-e-oy-doh-my-KOH-sis). 99% of the cases come from these 4 states.  It is informally called Valley Fever, which…

  • On the 1st of May, Drs. John Vucetich and Rolf Peterson submitted written testimony in opposition to Michigan’s plan for a public harvest of gray wolves.  I was asked to provide feedback on early versions of this text, and received permission to post the final version here.  My hope is that it will generate some…

  • With no predators, high reproduction rate, millions of hungry hogs tear up American landscape- Like most omnivores, pigs are smart. In addition, they are big, requiring a lot of food, and are physiologically similar enough to humans to share and transmit many of our diseases. Pigs have been escaping from farms for a very long…

  • Gov Walker, deer czar Kroll, some hunting groups become passive over brain rotting disease- It’s aim for the lowest common denominator in management of Wisconsin’s huge whitetail population. The incidence of chronic wasting disease (CWD), the prion-based malady that turns deer (and elk and moose) brains into sponges has gone from a half per cent…

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