Predator Control

  • Understanding Montana’s Wolf Policy Decision George Wuerthner On July 12, 2012, the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MDFWP) Commissioners voted 4-0 to increase wolf hunting in the state, expanding the hunting season and permitting the trapping of wolves for the first time as well. The goal is to reduce wolf numbers across the…

  • Wildlife Services has high average non-lethal record for all animals, but not for large carnivores- Lately there has been a lot of media critical of USDA-Wildlife Services; often called by its critics something like “the federal government’s wildlife killers.”  In an effort to mount a defense the Service has pointed out that 80% of its…

  • Famous scientist tells USDA Wildlife Services their age old coyote killing program actually increases number of coyotes and depredations- USDA Wildlife Services and its prior incarnations such as Animal Damage Control and Predator and Rodent Control has been indiscriminately killing coyotes for as long as the agency existed. This practice has often irritated a diffuse…

  • Federal animal control agency meets with American Society of Mammalogists after 93 years of criticism- The American Society of Mammalogists has been criticizing the agency in the federal government that kills “problem” predators for 93 years now.  That agency has gone by many names over that long period.  Wildlife Services is the most recent, and…

  • The Sacramento Bee gives citizens suggestions- The Bee’s recent expose investigation of the activities of USDA-Wildlife Services predator control was read by many. Outrage is high and now more information is in the hands of the public. Earlier we covered efforts by two members of the House, bipartisan, to get a congressional investigation started.  We…

  • I recently attended the wolf hearings held by the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission in Helena. The commission is considering initiation of a trapping season, as well as eliminating quotas on the number of wolves that may be killed. The goal is to significantly reduce the state’s wolf population which currently numbers…

  • Recently we were informed of a new effort by two conservation groups, a Native American tribe and livestock interests “to secure $25 million from the upcoming 2012 Farm Bill to help livestock producers reduce the risk of livestock losses to grizzly bears, wolves, black bears and mountain lions.” This taxpayer money is meant to “reduce…

  • In the final installment of the 3-part series, Tom Knudson investigates how the role of USDA Wildlife Services may change in the future. Should the agency be disbanded? Should it be reformed and given different responsibilities like controlling only invasive, non-native species? Should its predator control program be defunded? There is obviously a problem with…

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