Wildlife Habitat

  • Governor Schweitzer talked a good story how he was going change this long conflict, but he has been a big disappointment. Here is the latest news release from the Buffalo Field Campaign.

  • Today Ed Bangs sent out a list of recent Idaho wolf-caused “depredations” Here is what he wrote. “On the 10th, ID WS confirmed that wolves from the Timberline/Wangdoodle Pack killed 1 ewe on a Boise National Forest grazing allotment on Rock Creek, north of Idaho City. Another ewe and a guard dog had also been…

  • Today it is 30 degrees colder than a couple days ago. It has rained widely in Idaho and western Montana. One to 2 inches fell on the massive Derby and Jungle fires south of Big Timber, MT. It is not supposed to warm up again except just a little and more showers are predicted. The…

  • Polar bears are getting skinnier and pushing inland as the polar ice continues to melt. Because they are inland longer and deeper, more people see them, giving the impression that the population is actually growing when the opposite is true. Read the article in Science Daily

  • Warm winters harm conifers in many ways leaving them open to insect attack. Presently insects are killing millions of acres of trees in Alaska. See article by Dan Joling, Associated Press. What the article doesn’t say it, this is not just happening in Alaska. It is happening throughout the West. British Columbia has an even…

  • The Derby Fire Credit: Mike Granger, Division Supervisor Winds continued to drive the Derby Fire yesterday, now at 195,000 acres. Three other fires burned in the Absaroka mountains portion of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness north of Yellowstone Park: Pine Creek, Jungle Creek and Passage Falls. The Big Creek Fire in the Gallatin Range, west of Paradise…

  • The New York Times has a major article on the Derby fire today. “McLEOD, Mont., Sept. 6 — The Boulder Valley, which bumps up against the wilderness north of Yellowstone National Park, is a quiet corner with an unusual mix of residents. They include celebrities, the merely wealthy, ranchers and others drawn to a place…

  • One of the major factors every year whether there will be grizzly conflicts in the fall is the status of fat-rich whitebark pine crop. If there is a good crop, the bears will stay at high elevations where the whitebark pine grows — just below timberline. In recent years, there has been some pessimism about…

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