
  • Massive success brings Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin wolf population far above Idaho, Montana and Wyoming- It certainly is time to delist the wolves of the Great Lakes.  Their populations are secure. They have a huge prey base, and as we have seen from the Idaho and Montana hunting seasons, even abusive hunts do not wipe out…

  • 9th Circuit Filings – Constitutional Challenge to Wolf Delisting Rider ^Update 10/18/11 – Posted: Alliance for the Wild Rockies et al’s Emergency Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal, Motion for Summary Judgement Response Briefs (Appellees US Fish and Wildlife Service; Intervenors RMEF, NRA, & Montana/Idaho Farm Bureaus; Montana Amicus Brief) **Update 8/24/11 – Posted:  Alliance for…

  • It should be obvious that while wolves will be absolutely protected in GTNP, the Park is so small it is almost meaningless- All of Grand Teton’s wolf packs spend some, usually most of their time outside the Park, so Grand Teton’s concerns are much more likely to be valid than DOI’s, which is treating wolves…

  • Montana’s U.S. Jon Tester and his 2012 Republican challenger, Rep. Denny Rehberg, are debating which one deserves the most credit for pulling the wolf in Montana off the Endangered Species Act- George Ochenski of the Missoula Independent sees this debate as illustration why 87% of Americans say Congress is doing a terrible job. The dumbest…

  • Six packs use the Park, but none year round- Under the Wyoming wolf plan being developed, the wolves of Yellowstone and Grand Teton are to be protected from hunting, but only when they are inside the Parks. Grand Teton is a small Park. The Park’s superintendent points this out in his official comment on the…

  • Draft Game and Fish wolf management program emphasizes elk, very small wolf population- Wyoming Game and Fish, anticipating federal delisting of the wolf in Wyoming, has a new draft wolf plan out for public comment. Comments are sought on how the wolves will be managed in the wolf “trophy game zone,” but not on the…

  • Judge Donald Molloy has upheld Congress in the case involving the legislative rider to the 2011 Budget Bill which had the effect of delisting wolves in Idaho, Montana, and parts of Washington, Oregon, and Utah. He writes: “If I were not constrained by what I believe is binding precedent from the Ninth Circuit, and on-point…

  • The Tester-Simpson budget rider that interfered with an ongoing lawsuit is before Judge Molloy- The legal issue in question is not wolves, but whether Congress can constitutionally decide the outcome of a lawsuit. We all know that congress can effectively overturn many court decisions afterwards, but if Jones sues Smith, for example, can Congress constitutionally…

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