
  • Hundreds of thousands of faults, most poorly mapped, just waiting for a bit of lubrication- We all know what causes earthquakes — preexisting long cracks in rock layers (faults) and enough pressure to make them slip.  Most don’t slip very often though. Some will never slip because the pressure is just not, or ever will…

  • Diablo Canyon plant is a mile from off-shore fault- I recall there was a long fight against this plant a generation ago. It generated a case that went to the Supreme Court. One of the chief arguments was that there was a fault nearby. The larger San Adreas fault is not far either. They say…

  • Now it’s over and the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory has a summary- Summary of January – February 2010 Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm. USGS. This was the second biggest earthquake swarm recorded in the Park. Note that detailed records don’t go back all that far.

  • After dropping off some, quakes increase again- This time around, fortunately,  fewer folks are predicting doom. 😉 These swarms happen every year or so. With the development of the Internet, blogging, and the realization of the catastrophic potential of the Yellowstone supervolcano, news of these earthquake swarms began to spark alarm when they were reported. …

  • No. It doesn’t mean the end is near 😉 University of Utah seismic station. Earthquake swarm in park tops 1,000. Billings Gazette. Note added 1-24.  As expected, the swarm has dropped off a lot.

  • It caused earthquakes! Geothermal Project in California Is Shut Down. By James Glanz. New York Times. The person who emailed this story to me wrote, “Boy – If you’ve ever read a geothermal EA to destroy the nearest hot springs  – BLM never says anything about the earthquakes …” – – – – – I…

  • Looks like the agency and groups are jumping off the wall. Good! Story about this idiot proposal. By Jessica Mayrer. Bozeman Chronicle staff writer

  • Most geothermal developments use natural hot spring areas, but a new method may have great promise and danger- Geothermal energy is regarded as a quasi renewable energy source because it does not use fossil fuels, uses the natural heat of the earth, and can be turned into clean electricity or for lower temperature sources for…

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