October 2006

  • Pretty scars: National Geographic films the gas drilling. High Country News Blog. It shows what’s going better than my few still photos.

  • “A new report by conservationists shows that Wyoming, including the Wyoming Range and the Upper Green River Valley, would bear almost half of the new oil and gas wells proposed throughout the country.”  Story in the Jackson Hole Daily by Corey Hatch

  • Anatomy of a Wolf Attack. To retaliate or not to retaliate? The question makes bedfellows of traditional foes. By Carissa Wolf. The Boise Weekly. This is a very long and thoughtful discussion over the growing effort in Idaho (certainly not Wyoming) between wolf advocates and livestock growers, trying to prevent wolf attacks on livestock and…

  • This is about the Kermode bear of the central British Columbia coast and coastal islands. It is a black bear that carries a gene that makes a percentage of its numbers cream colored (not actually white). It is not an albino. The uniqueness of the bear has helped build conservation efforts to restrain British Columbia’s…

  • The story about the Forest Service employees from Utah, who were airlifted out of Idaho’s Sawtooth Wilderness because they heard wolves howling nearby, has prompted an editorial in the Missoulian. 10-17. Read Missoulian editorial. – – – – – It turns out the Idaho Statesman also had an editorial on Oct. 17, although it was…

  • It’s called the “North Zone travel plan revision,” hardly exciting enough to make your heart pound. But the Forest Service has a very major revision of its travel plans for the area on the east side of Jackson Hole (and other prime wildlife areas) underway, and your comments are due on October 23. The mighty…

  • Way above timberline, looking across Meadow Creek Basin in the Francs Peak roadless area. Shoshone National Forest. Photo copyright Ralph Maughan Wyoming has many fine roadless areas that are not protected as designated Wilderness — 3-million acres in total. Liz Howell of the Wyoming Wilderness Association writes in their defense and against Governor Freudenthals’ short-sighted…

  • Drilling for gas on The Mesa (Pinedale Anticline). Pinedale, WY and Wind River Mountains in the background. Photo by Ralph Maughan. One well takes up a fair amount of space and disturbance. Over 3000 wells are planned in the Green River Basin beneath these mountains.

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