This is a good column (published in New West). It doesn’t give any side of the issue a free pass, and is one of the first I have seen that looks carefully at Governor Freudenthal’s contradictory statements about wolves and big game.
Freudenthal’s fundamental view of wolves: “This raises the interesting question of whether any packs outside Yellowstone in Wyoming are even necessary.” In other words, “we don’t want ‘em.” Here it is, the classic view of part of Wyoming that Yellowstone should be, as I interpret it, a “prison for wild country.”
The Wolf’s at the Door. New West. By Dan Whipple.
Hi, and I’m looking for a writer about Wyoming and wolves and thought Dan Whipple might be the guy since he knows and cares so much about the subject. Can you send me his email? Any other suggestions for an op ed writer? Thanks, Betsy