November 2007

  • The Montana Board of Livestock voted not to adopt a plan that would free the rest of Montana from being held hostage on brucellosis status because some of the bison and elk in Yellowstone Park are infected with brucellosis. “Gov. Brian Schweitzer said the decision represented ‘misinformation’ spread by the lobbyist of the Montana Stockgrowers…

  • This is a followup on the earlier story on the Texas state school land board’s attempt to sell the Christmas Mountains (given to them 16 years ago as a gift). They are adjacent to Big Bend National Park. Story: Action delayed in land dispute. Board declines to accept a bid for the Christmas Mountains site.…

  • Lynne Stone suggested a post where folks could discuss Idaho wolves. So if they do, here it is. ——_ Notice. Upon request. I have reopened comments on this thread. Please keep the discussion relevant. Webmaster

  • Writers on the Range: A wolf tale that’s all too true. By Brian Connolly. Writers on the Range. Most folks who follow the wolves in Yellowstone know Brian Connolly, many by sight, and by reputation from his fine novels for teenagers, Wolf Journal from several years ago, and his latest, Hawk. VirtualBookWorm Publishing. College Station,…

  • Woodland caribou population is down to ten or less and grizzlies only 60 in Banff in 80 in the Kananaskis country to its south. Grim for grizzlies. Gloom and doom’ for Banff’s ursine residents, says park report. Cathy Ellis, Calgary Herald. By contrast both Glacier NP and Yellowstone NP each have over 200 grizzlies with…

  • This is a link to an article by Mcjoan in the Daily Kos. It is about the importance of public land, and the need for the Democrats to be smart about this issue, which they often were not over the last 20 years. A stance defending the public lands can be a winner for them,…

  • Most good wolf sightings are from the road in the Lamar Valley area. Wolves hear hikers and move out of sight, but not always. Trent Morrell sent me this most interesting account of a recent hike on Specimen Ridge in Yellowstone Park. In early October, me and two of my friends traveled from Portland, Oregon…

  • This is another story on the high grizzly mortality rate this year. Known bear deaths increase, but it’s no crisis. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette. . . . it’s official line that it’s no crisis unless it happens two years in a row. With the rapidly growing loss of whitebark pine, is there any reason…

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