November 2007

  • Assistant Secretary of the Interior C. Stephen Allred has visited the area of the huge Murphy rangefire this summer. Afterwards he talked with local politicos. He announced reseeding would be 80% native seed. Fortunately a considerable portion of the area is not invaded with cheatgrass yet and doesn’t need reseeding (or so I’ve been told).…

  • Cubin has long been the worst member of the Wyoming congressional delegation, a complete enabler of the energy industry in opposition to private property rights, protection of Wyoming public lands and wildlife, and against making sure the energy industries pay the legally required amount of royalties. My view is good riddance, but she would have…

  • Bold bruins bedevil hunters. By Mark Henckel. Billings Gazette (reprinted in Helena Independent Record). One critical point Henkel makes is to be sure you hang your carcass well away from the gut pile. Bears actually prefer the organs. Their tastes are not the same as ours. I don’t buy the notion that the grizzly bears…

  • Over at the Western Watersheds blog, there is an important story how sheep growers are organizing to hit back at the slow recovery of bighorn sheep. Oh! Not to speed it up, but to stop it and reverse it. Domestic sheep are lethal to bighorns because domestic sheep are full of diseases. Bighorn are also…

  • I can hardly believe this to be a real initiative, if only because the politics of any real push for this would be just devastating to the Democratic Party. Nevertheless PEER, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, has issued this news release. As a side note, does anyone know about this controversy over the National Bison…

  • The number of elk in the part of New Mexico where the Mexican wolves have become reestablished has increased. Of course the number of wolves is trivial — only 59 in the entire recovery area due to the defective recovery plan, and the many mistakes and political blockages placed on the Mexican wolf restoration program.…

  • A couple just bought much of the top of Horse Butte, a place bison love to come when they leave Yellowstone Park searching for grass, and where Montana DOL loves to capture them for slaughter and haze them back in the Park to “protect” the non-existent cattle from getting brucellosis from the bison. The new…

  • Here is the story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Corey Hatch. Elk from Grand Teton National Park where there is no general elk hunt migrate out of the Park early and seek refuge at the southern end of the National Elk Refuge near small city of Jackson. Most elk on the refuge…

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