April 20, 2009

  • NYT Times thinks so. It should be obvious to everyone- That’s what we need, more urban sprawl on the front range of the Rockies in Colorado; and the water to fuel it will by pumped in from far away — SW Wyoming — the upper Green River. This kind of thinking is so pre-recession, and…

  • Governor “Butch” Otter is upset that the Idaho legislature won’t increase revenue for state highways and has reacted by vetoing 10 bills.  One of those bills on the chop block, Senate Bill No. 1177, would have slipped $200,000 into the Depredation Control Fund : In accordance with the provisions of Section 36111(c), Idaho Code, the…

  • Fritillaria pudica are among the first flowers to bloom in sagebrush country following the receding snow. Indigenous peoples used to eat their starchy bulbs. They’re blooming now ~ this photo was taken yesterday north of Fish Creek Reservoir.  With the moisture remaining following the fresh recession of snow – sagebrush country all over the West…

  • Despite nominations by the President, only Ken Salazar has been approved by the U.S. Senate- One reason we haven’t seen much change in the B.L.M., National Park Service, etc. is that Senate Republicans are holding up action on the nominations. Interior staff’s top seats in limbo. Politics » Hatch and Bennett oppose nominee, adding to…

  • Zone outside Yellowstone declared “brucellosis free” with greater restrictions inside the affected Yellowstone area or eradication of infected elk and bison herds? Who pays? Who benefits? USDA wants two zones to reduce costs. Livestock interests say that it will put Yellowstone area ranchers out of business. According to the article, Livestock interests and Wyoming Sportsmen…

  • Mike Jimenez’s report on WY wolves and the situation in Oregon- WYOMING/US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE WOLF PROGRAM WEEKLY REPORT To:                          Regional Director, Region 6, Denver, Colorado From:                     USFWS Wyoming Wolf Recovery Project Leader, Jackson, WY Subject:  Status of Gray Wolf Management in Wyoming and the NRM WYOMING WOLF WEEKLY- April 13 through April…

  • But Montana’s congressional delegation refrains as they have for 26 years- Bill Schneider believes the anti-wilderness attitude of Montana business is changing, but the view of Montana’s congressional delegation (which includes two Democratic senators) has not. “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Business People Call for More Wilderness in Northwest Montana. Another sincere call for Montana’s delegation to…

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