Mike Jimenez’s report on WY wolves and the situation in Oregon-
To: Regional Director, Region 6, Denver, Colorado
From: USFWS Wyoming Wolf Recovery Project Leader, Jackson, WY
Subject: Status of Gray Wolf Management in Wyoming and the NRM
WYOMING WOLF WEEKLY- April 13 through April 17, 2009
Web Address – USFWS reports (past weekly and annual reports) can be viewed at http://westerngraywolf.fws.gov . Weekly reports for Montana and Idaho are produced by those States and can be viewed on the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and Idaho Department of Fish and Game websites. All weekly and annual reports are government property and can be used for any purpose. Please distribute as you see fit.
Annual Reports
The Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2008 Annual Report is available at: http://westerngraywolf.fws.gov .
Status of the NRM wolf delisting rule
The Final Rule to Establish a Gray Wolf – Northern Rocky Mountain Distinct Population Segment and Remove it from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species becomes effective May 4, 2009. It was published in the Federal Register Vol 74, No. 62 pages 15123-15188on April 2, 2009. The rule, the literature cited, and Questions and Answers about it are posted on the USFWS website at http://westerngraywolf.fws.gov . The rule delists wolves in Montana, Idaho, eastern one-third of Washington and Oregon, and a small part of north central Utah. Wolves in Wyoming will remain under the adequate regulatory mechanisms of the ESA. The US Fish and Wildlife Service will continue to manage wolves in all of Wyoming under the provisions of the 1994 nonessential experimental population rules. Management under the ESA will continue until such time Wyoming develops a regulatory framework that the Service determines meets the purposes of the ESA. After that happens the Service may initiate the mandatory federal regulatory process [including public review and comment] to turn management over to Wyoming.
A male wolf that was recently radio collared north of Jackson dispersed south and was located near the Rim Pack, south east of Bondurant, WY.
Approximately 60% of the packs in the Northern Range in Yellowstone National Park have denned; however, no interior pack dens have been confirmed.
On 4/14/09, Wyoming W.S. confirmed a yearling calf was killed by wolves south of Casper, WY. The USFWS requested W.S. to remove the 2 wolves from the area where the depredation occurred. Control efforts are ongoing.
Two wolves near Baker City, OR have been confirmed to have killed about 2 dozen sheep (almost all were lambs) this past week. On the 17th a calf on a neighboring ranch was attacked and later died. ODFW and USFWS are on the scene and trying to get a radio collar in the ‘group’ as the first step to figure out the situation. Wolf and livestock depredation expert Carter Niemeyer [former USDA WS and USFWS] is volunteering for ODFW and is on the scene assisting with field work. Options are being evaluated and the USFWS is coordinating agency activities and options.
Nothing to report at this time.
Law Enforcement and Related Activities
The radio collar transmissions from the female wolf travelling in Northwestern CO stopped moving at the end of March, 2009. Investigators from the Colorado Division of Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service responded and retrieved her carcass. Those investigators are working toward determining the cause of death, which has not yet been determined. Anyone with information regarding the death of this wolf is urged to call the Colorado Division of Wildlife at 1-877-COLO-OGT or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at 970 257-0795.
Outreach and Education
Nothing to report at this time.
Further Information
To request an investigation of livestock injured or killed by wolves, please contact the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Wildlife Services at (307)261-5336.
For additional information, please contact:
Ed Bangs (406)449-5225 x204 or Ed_Bangs@FWS.GOV
Mike Jimenez (307)733-7096 or (307)330-5631 or Mike_Jimenez@FWS.GOV
One yearling calf equals kill the only two wolves on Casper Mounatain?
Yeah, what’s with that? A pack in the Laramie Range would be a significant and beneficial expansion of the species range. USFWS was probably hoping they’d have some excuse to call in the gunners.
The unfortunate reality is that USFWS along with Wyoming will view any pack outside of Greater Yellowstone as a nusciance and will attempt and most likely succeed in the “control” of these expanding packs. It’s total bullshit and very heavy handed but wolves will not be allowed to expand into the Laramies, Bighorns, Medicine Bows, Black Hills, etc…..The Feds and state(s) will do all they can to limit the wolves to Greater Yellowstone and other areas deemed “socially acceptable” in the west. Evidence of one depredation and they’re toast. There’s no science involved in the decision.
Absolutely Jeff. This also will keep wolves from expanding into Colorado.
It seems like FWS set up their own “zone” system of wolf management without telling anyone where the zone boundries are located. The difference between FWS’s current scheme and the WY proposal is more a matter of philosophy than results. WY wants to make a big deal of killing wolves outside YNP, FWS prefers to do it quietly.
It looks as if most of the wolf populations are expanding West from Yellowstone. Each state having it’s own managament plan, rather than a federal plan will allow managment of the same species differently. While wildlife know no such borders, protection of the species will now only be maintained in the National Parks like Yellowstone, and perhaps some of the indian tribe areas.
With open hunting seasons on wolves in Idaho and Montana, now, people can essentially cull wolves, but what are the alternatives? And, with over 500 expected pups in 2009, and the population management numbers are at most 500 (adults and pups) in these states – how does this make sense? Also, Wyoming only expects to manage 100 adults? Is this because the park has so many visitors, which assumes that the wolves could possibly encounter humans and attack them? But, how often does that happen? Most wolves have learned to be fearful of humans! Especially those people who are LOUD or have guns!!!
With properly managed predator & prey species, we can coexist with wildlife in America! I almost thought that everyone had given up on that idea! It’s my American Dream!
This is the goal right? – to delist an endangered species? The populations in other states have yet to reach their ‘quota’ of minimum breeding pairs, so there is hope for the wolves to expand their territories and spread further throughout the United States. Just like they used to – back in the day – before the government paid people to hunt them! I’m just hoping it doesn’t go full circle, and people kill them all – based on fear (unless they are personally threatened) or prowess!