August 2010

  • No wolves killed under the permits while they were active Caught-in-act wolf removal permits expire. La Grande Observer

  • USFS takes away grazing lease in Nevada’s Santa Rosa Mountains. The Columbus method of grazing, where cattle are put out for months on end and then “discovered” at the end of the grazing season, gets a spank. You can read the decision from April here. Rancher loses grazing appeal. Written by Dee Holzel – Silver…

  • Larkspur Strikes Again !!! Kinda’ puts the whole “Canadian wolves are a threat to our ‘livelihood’” argument into perspective: 30 cows die in S. Idaho after eating larkspur – Idaho Statesman via Associated Press Perhaps they will spend millions of tax-payer’s dollars to commission a federal agency to crop-dust our public lands with herbicide such…

  • Lobbyists, It’s what’s for dinner You know those commercials that say “Beef. It’s what’s for dinner.” Well, the association that takes a dollar from the sale of each cow for those commercials is in trouble. It appears that they might have been spending some of the money on lobbying as well as travel expenses for…

  • Western Watersheds Project wins a great legal victory for wilderness and endangered fish. ~ Jon Marvel Friends, On July 30th, 2010 Idaho Chief District Judge B. Lynn Winmill issued an Order in Western Watersheds Project‘s favor overturning a Bureau of Land Management decision to build fencing within the Burnt Creek Wilderness Study Area (WSA) on…

  • What has this got to do with wildlife?  Plenty! Growing of marijuana in the woods on both public and private land keeps expanding and using more and more nasty chemicals and violence — a menace to wildlife, hikers, campers, and hunters. This election year might be the year to put an end to the enormously…

  • Change could result in greater protections for Mexican Gray Wolf The USFWS has announced that they will review the status of the Mexican Gray Wolf as an endangered subspecies. The reclassification would require the Service to rewrite their recovery plan and designate critical habitat. Mexican Gray Wolf May Qualify for Endangered Species Protection Separate From…

  • Two brand new government reports show overwhelming scientific case for global warming — and go out of the way to repudiate skeptics- The truth about global warming. Monday, August 2, 2010. Washington Post editorial. Meanwhile Rolling Stone has a great article on the sorry death of the Climate Bill (or better stated the death of…

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