March 17, 2011

  • Just a generation ago . . . cleanest air the West set against the highest mountains in Wyoming- It was wonderful to backpack, fish, and climb in the Wind River Mountains in the day when they did not overlook a miasma of gas field air pollution. In Pinedale, Wyo., Residents Adjust to Air Pollution. By…

  • It’s now official party dogma. There is no climate-change- I was thinking of writing an essay on this yesterday after I read about this vote, but I see Andrew Leonard already wrote it, and it was published on-line at Triumph of the flat-earth Republicans. Who cares what scientists believe? The House GOP is on…

  • Domestic sheep versus bighorn sheep and cultural traditions- Nice to have an article about Idaho’s tiny, but powerful sheep culture (and those who have cultural ties to bighorn). These domestic sheep guys are Governor Clement Otter’s pals. I’d like to see an article about the planned demise of Idaho’s educational culture at the hands of…

  • Right wing radical Montana state legislator wants to kill wolves during denning season- Here’s the story. If wolves are de-listed, Balyeat wants spring hunt. Bozeman Chronicle. About Balyeat . . . when this glassy-eyed extremist first showed up in the wolf news, I knew there was an element of the anti-wolf folks that had another…

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