August 2011

  • This replaces the 32nd edition.

  • Last week, Katie Fite and I travelled to Nevada to inspect several grazing allotments and attend a BLM meeting in Winnemucca and a BLM field trip in the Ely District. While passing through the Union Mountain Allotment in the Elko District we came across a series of water troughs which didn’t have the required wildlife…

  • Twin Falls Ranger District’s Trout Creek, habitat for the Yellowstone cutthroat trout, was among the locations found damaged by livestock grazing when Don Oman became the district ranger in 1986. In this video, Mr. Oman describes the dramatic environmental improvement that occurred after livestock were excluded from a short segment of the creek. Don Oman…

  • Red Rock Fire grows to 5700 acres. Temperature inversion keeps the smoke under a lid in Jackson Hole- This fire, which was just resized from 5,729 acres, compared with 2,835 acres a day earlier, is burning in dead pine, aspen, fir and meadows near Goosewing R.S. and the controversial Wyoming Game and Fish Alkali elk…

  • It’s whether he turns down the Keystone XL pipeline- Exploiting the tar sands of Alberta is so bad that famous NASA climatologist James Hansen said that if they are fully exploited for their oil deposits, “it is essentially game over” for the planet. So will he make nice with the oil companies and the Republicans…

  • Environmentally destructive programs identified by activists from the left and the right- Viewpoint: Spending Cuts Are Great When the Spending Is Stupid. By Michael Grunwald . Time Magazine This proposal is being made by the deficit-hawk Taxpayers for Common Sense, free-market Heartland Institute, the environmental group Friends of the Earth, and consumer watchdog Public Citizen.

  • Land and Water Conservation Funds cuts hurt places that depend on wildlife and scenery, Interior Sec. says- The Land and Water Conservation Fund dates to the Eisenhower Administration. It is to purchase important conservation lands (and waters).  The Fund’s monies come from oil leasing fees so to make up for the damage oil exploration and…

  • Tiny radio transmitters attached to lake trout may allow managers find and destroy their spawning beds- The illegal or accidental introduction of lake trout to Yellowstone Lake has heavily damaged the native Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Fishery in the Lake, and more importantly in the spawning streams where they used to provide food for many kinds…

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