Jan. 24, 2021
This is a new page of “Reader Generated Wildlife News.” These are stories posted by the readers of The Wildlife News. These can be links to stories in the media or a complete wildlife story you have written. Please do not post copyrighted material although you can and maybe should copyright something you have written.
Here is the link to the “old” wildlife news page that began on Dec. 29, 2019. From there you can access links to the many older pages of wildlife news our readers created.
Please post your wildlife news/stories in the comments space below
An open Letter to the Montana Legislature
Thirty-three contiguous counties in eastern and north-central Montana have been losing population for many decades. (mtwildbison.org – News) These counties include half the area of the state! Most lack a population necessary to support a comprehensive county government, adequate health care, emergency services, quality education, communication facilities and other infrastructure. Poverty levels are the highest in the state.
For decades, attempts to alleviate this situation with resource-extraction have provided only local, often unsustained relief. (Consider “Petroleum” County.) Livestock production has remained the primary economic foundation. This industry has strongly opposed any projects that might compete with cattle production. The approach has not halted population decline or alleviated poor economic conditions.
There are no public-trust, wild bison, year-round, in Montana. Opponents of bison allege that bison restoration, even under strict guidelines set forth by the Montana legislature, (MCA 87-1-216) would devastate local economies. However, bison restoration has potential to augment and diversify local economies by enhancing tourism and with monies spent during months-long hunting seasons for lodging, supplies and outfitting services. (Sage, J. L. 2017. https: scholarworks.umt.edu/itrr_pubs/353).
Restoring public wild bison on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge and on nearby private lands where public bison are accepted can provide sustained local income near the Refuge – without negative impacts to local cattle growers. In particular, small businesses along highways 2 and 191, especially in Blaine, Phillips and Valley Counties and in Lewistown would benefit.
Enhancing local economies is but one reason to restore bison in Montana. However, proposed legislation opposing restoration of public-trust, wild bison, especially on the CMR Refuge, is part of an economic strategy that has failed for decades. As you consider these bills, please do not support actions that will diminish opportunities to provide a more diverse, resilient and healthy economy for future generations in eastern and north-central Montana.
James, IMHO, many will have to judge (and research) for themselves whether today’s aim at “conservation” especially out here in the west, is about bringing back healthy numbers of wildlife species that once roamed the landscape or just promoting/boosting hunting opportunities?
It’s not just westerners, global communities will have to judge. Trophy hunting, and hunting for many species, is not working out. Humans alter wildlife populations and landscapes so radically we are in a global extinction free fall crisis. When will we start managing ourselves? The denial and institutional persistence to continue status quo “management” reminds me of some Republicans who incited a riot and now pretend that impeachment is about retaliation for Trump. Q Anon consipracy theorists in the Senate ughhh. Humans are in a continuous crisis mode, politically and environmentally, with so much at stake. A long time ago Lester Brown wrote and argued that before humans ran out of resources we would see great political unrest…Here we are, having abused the natural world and recreated so heavily that we unleashed a life altering pandemic and so little has been paid attention to the nexus.
They will have to judge all wildlife management actions hopefully toward bringing back healthy numbers of wildlige populations. For far too long its been abut boosting one species hunting potential.
other mind numbing nasty news from Montana https://committeetoabolishsporthunting.wordpress.com/2021/01/27/urgent-hearing-thurs-increase-wolf-trapping-season-tues-snaring/
When will one of the NGOs work to promote legislation to reverse the no judicial rider that created a nightmare for wolves in the Rocky Mountains and for those of us that appreciate their grandeur.
Louise, trophy hunting and meat hunting in South Africa have produced forty million acres of rewilded natural habitat in a generation where there were once dryland farms.
Those forty million acres produce fifty thousand tons of game meat annually, while the populations of all large game animals are continually rising as farmers raise more and more.
Those forty million acres also support billions of other animals, birds, insects, plants and trees that are not hunted.
It is huge success story, compared to the Amazon or Indonesia. Trophy hunting is the answer for wildlife survival in Africa outside the reserves.
So these games generating farms are better than nature’s wildness?
I doubt it
They are farms, Louise. They have to produce an income. Raising wild animsals in natural habitat is a good second best to nature and better thsn crops.
Conveniently you didn’t mention what was lost
Only forty million acres of marginal dryland cattle and goat farms were lost, replaced with indigenous creatures and plants. I don’t understand why you don’t like it, apart from the obvious fact that it is supported by hunting. The outcome, however, is a huge win for conservation.
Are you praising canned hunt farms, John? If so, definitely doesn’t work for me. And in my world, killing does not equal conservation.
Hello Pamela. Hunting doesn’t equal conservation, but hunting does pay farmers to convert marginal land back into natural bush in order to raise the animals that hunters seek.
In South Africa, more than a million animals are shot for meat and trophies every year, but the farms produce close on three million, so the numbers keep going up. Compare that to the annihilation in the Amazon.
Farms average four thousand acres, and some are a quarter of a million, so the animals are mostly as free as anywhere.
Canned doesn’t mean you hunt in a barn; “a canned hunt” is like a “package holiday”.
It leaves between six and twenty million animals happily living their lives in the sunshine, where everywhere else they are disappearing. You can go there and look at them; you don’t have to hunt them.
Thanks Jim Bailey,,,, Isn’t it time for the FEDERAL government to re-claim the “Public Trust” doctrine over Montana bison, because the State of Montana is abusing its duties to preserve, conserve, protect and expand wild bison into all suitable FEDERALLY owned bison habitat, including BLM, National Forests, National Wildlife Refuge and National Park lands?? The Feds have passed the “management” ball over to the States… However, when a state like Montana declines to serve the Public Trust by NOT re-storing bison to Montana’s Public Lands, then the Feds should assume the duties that are rightfully given to them by law.
Let’s hope Pres. Biden’s new Dept of Interior team will finally take positive actions to restore wild bison withing Montana.
Management of Wildlife on Federal Lands
Abundant state and federal policy advocates a federal – state dichotomy for wildlife management on federal lands, even on wildlife refuges. Handbooks, regulations and plans endorse state supremacy in managing wildlife populations, while federal prerogatives are limited to providing and managing federal habitat.
For non-marine wildlife, only two exceptions recognizing supremacy of federal authority over wildlife populations are commonly noted: for federally listed threatened and endangered species and for migratory birds. These exceptions are clear in the Endangered Species Act and in the Migratory Bird Treaty with Mexico and Canada.
However, Nie et al. (2017), in an extensive review of the U. S. Constitution and of laws governing federal land-management agencies, concluded “the states’ trust responsibilities for wildlife are subordinate to the federal government’s statutory and trust obligations over federal lands and their integral resources” including wildlife.
The National Wildlife Refuge System
Since the Coalition’s goal includes restoring public-trust, wild bison on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, discussion of the federal refuge system is emphasized here.
The National Wildlife Refuge Administration Act clarifies that actions on a refuge must be compatible with the mission of the Refuge System and with the refuge’s purposes stated in its establishing legislation. Refuge actions shall provide for conservation of fish, wildlife and plants, and their habitat and ensure biological integrity, diversity and environmental health of the Refuge System, for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans. A refuge may “restore wildlife where appropriate.”
Notably, a federal refuge must “ensure effective coordination, interaction, and cooperation” with adjacent landowners and with the state in which the refuge is located. However, this instruction does not absolve the Fish and Wildlife Service from fulfilling its mandates, noted above. A refuge must cooperate with state and local dictates only “to the extent practicable”.
Restoring bison on the CMR would contribute to the mission of the Refuge System in that the Department of Interior’s Bison Conservation Initiative’s goals include the maintenance of wildness and genetic diversity in large, wide-ranging bison herds on large landscapes. “Perhaps the greatest conservation challenge that bison face is the lack of large blocks of habitat.” (NPS 2020).
C. M. Russell Refuge Plan
The CMR Plan notes that, without bison, “progress in restoring ecological processes would remain incomplete”, that “bison restoration would bring back what was once a dominant herbivore and keystone species in the refuge landscape”, would be “a positive move toward restoration of natural ecological processes” and “would present the opportunity for wildlife-dependent public uses.”
There is no indication that that restoring bison would be biologically inappropriate.
In the Department of Interior’s Bison Conservation Initiative, its goal and need for large bison herds on large landscapes would be greatly enhanced with restoration of bison on the CMR. The CMR is the largest federal refuge within the historic range of plains bison.
Despite these potential contributions to refuge goals and to the mission of the Refuge System, the CMR Plan concludes: “The Service will not consider reintroducing bison on the refuge unless Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks initiates an effort.” and that “any proposal for bison restoration would be conducted by a public process led by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.” This is an abdication of federal statutory and public trust responsibilities for federal lands and resources, despite the state’s long failure, in not restoring wild bison, to fulfill its own Constitutional mandate and public trust responsibilities to the people of Montana.
Federal/state wildlife management dichotomy is biologically illogical
Modern wildlife biology and conservation recognize the innumerable interactions among animals, plants and the physical environment. It is impossible to manipulate any part of an ecosystem, let alone a keystone species, without influencing many other species in many interrelated ways. Thus, habitat and populations may not be manipulated separately.
Allowing the CMR to manipulate its habitat without bison is a disingenuous proposition. The Refuge is denied one of its most important “habitat managers”. The habitat impacts of wild bison cannot be duplicated by human activity. For examples, the CMR cannot produce thousands of bison wallows as habitat for plants and animals, cannot seasonally distribute shed bison hair for use by nesting birds, cannot duplicate the effects of bison grazing distributed across space and time in natural ways.
Thus, the federal/state dichotomy for wildlife management on federal lands is unreasonable policy, grounded in political expediency.
CMR 2010. Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, UL Bend National Wildlife Refuge. (The Draft version is cited here.)
Nie, M., C. Barns, J. Haber, J. Joly, K. Pitt and S. Zellmer. 2017. Fish and wildlife management of federal lands: Debunking state supremacy. Environmental Law 47 (4): 1-126.
NPS 2020. The quote is from: nps.gov/subjects/bison/what-we-de.htm.
The above will be posted on mtwildbison.org soon.
Thank you again – and again for your forceful advocacy for wild bison. Like I said, Hopefully, the Biden administration will see-the-light and move to take the lead in restoring bison to the CM Russell Wildlife Refuge. By the way; speaking of large scale bison habitat: Yellowstone NP is surrounded by over 7 million acres of National Forest and BLM land much of which is bison habitat and the bison are just waiting for “permission” from the states of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming to re-introduce themselves.
All pesticide and herbicide application on public lands should be terminated if the soil/vegetation complex is to recover.
Eat organic food.
Wolves seem to be taking a number of cougars in areas where they compete, according to a WY study cited in Smithsonian magazine. Wonder what former Washington State University large carnivore researcher, Rob Wielgus, would say about that? I think he was a cougar specialist until he got sideways of the Washington Division of Wildife when he colored outside the lines while advocating wolves in the NE part of the state.
I think the human factor is a much greater concern for cougars than wolves. As you know there are plenty of studies that show the effect of stress on predators, whether just trying to avoid us or living in a nightmare world of being hunted by humans. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1365-2435.12354#:~:text=Tundra%E2%80%93taiga%20wolves%20also%20had,part%20of%20a%20control%20programme.
And many of them have become nocturnal because of human harassment
I wonder what the wildlife agencies that operate more like hunting clubs against most of their constituent’s wishes would have to say about that?
I think it shows that left to their own, they can manage their own populations without interference.
But on another note:
Without “interference” bison would eventually repopulate the Great Plains. (The Yellowstone herd grows at about 15%/year.) Think about bison wallows throughout all those wheat fields. Anyway, Montana law says any restored bison herd must be “contained”, though that is not defined.
James Bailey: Is the CM Russell National Wildlife Refuge fenced around it outside perimeter?? I didn’t think it was. Are you saying that bison at the CM Russell Nat. Wildlife Refuge would be “contained” by a border fence around the Refuge, so they would pass the legal standards of the State of Montana which doesn’t want free roaming bison?? By the way, I think a perimeter fence around any Public Lands is a bad idea. Thanks
Parts of the boundary of the CMR are now fenced, but much of it has, at least, inadequate fencing and I believe there are still problems with trespass cattle on the Refuge. There have been grazing allotments on the Refuge. Only a few remain and cattle grazing must be justified as for the benefit of the wild ecosystem (according to the current plan. Correct that Montana law requires any herd of wild bison (there are none now) to be contained, which is not defined. Any bison returned to the CMR would be a step forward. See our proposal at mtwildbison.org.
I should have asked, I’m not sure how many sit on this commission, and probably it is indicative of other Westers states’ boards, if they have them?
The outfitter, hunting interests overrepresented.
The fishing guy, at least nixed mining interests at a river headwaters (that’s always good!)
But I cannot understand why a private gas and oil company is represented on a Fish and Wildlife commission! Especially one who is the head of the state’s chapter of Safari Club International. Hunting interests overrepresented again.
Is there a biologist or scientist anywhere in sight?
**Sorry, it isn’t what we were promised when much of our country’s wildlife was put into the Western States’ hands to manage. It was to be expected that this would happen.
A biologist or scientist whose primary interest isn’t human activities?
I should add that if it isn’t really palatable to think of wildlife killing the young of other wildlife and ‘hard to watch’ – I hope the same can be said for human hunters killing bear cubs and wolf cubs in their dens?
Like that father and son pair in Alaska. Doesn’t anyone find that hard to watch? Why is it okay for people to do it, but not other animals?
Never ok for humans to kill young like that.
Thank you, I think that law needs to be changed back to being banned!
Also, the article WM listed says that in order to compensate for the wolf and mountain lion territorial battles, human trophy hunting of mountain lions needs to be cut back.
Probably that will not go over well, although there is no need for trophy hunting.
Ida,re: your 1/24 note;
Never easy for empathetic humans to watch one animal kill another however it is as old as the first organic molecule on this earth and is a pillar of Darwin. I always use the rule of “Did this instance stand the test of non-human caused?” If it does I’m alright with it but death in any way is difficult to approve of. I cannot think too long about the details of the genocides of history without grabbing a book that changes the subject completely to get my mind away. Truly one of the worst killing that keeps haunting me is the live markets of China and especially the killings of dogs done for the pleasure of the consumers. Trophy hunters, trappers and hunting in general is just the North American form of the live markets of China. Hunters hide behind “fare chase”. Trappers can’t even use that shield because there is nothing fair or chase about a trap. Whenever I hear about the China dog killing market my dogs wonder why they get a cookie and a bunch of hugs, sure they are saying, “Wow what got into Grampa all of a sudden”>
Yes. It’s difficult to hear about and understand why people behave the way they do, to other life on the planet and to each other. It is universal.
People have choice in what they do, animals such as carnivores do not. There presence serves a purpose in the natural world, we just seek and destroy.
Oops, their presence, how did that happen? 😉
We seem to be making better progress in how we treat each other, but how we treat other life is still on hold.
Mismanagement and the Domestication of Yellowstone Buffalo. By Buffalo Field Campaign’s executive director, James Holt, Sr. https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/01/15/mismanagement-and-the-domestication-of-yellowstone-bison/
Good – glad to read this. Enough is enough!
Did the old blog (1995-2006)died ?
What old blog are you referring too? If it was at the domain “forwolves.com,” I deleted all the the wolf stories yesterday.
Hi Ralph, yes it was what i was refering to.
It was highly informative and important to me.
Thank you for the prompt answer.
Have a nice day !
Be good to know, if someone out there in the science community, is trying to relate to why this owl, who seldom, if ever, is seen in that part of the country (where human congestion compromises/ruins the lives of what ever wildlife is around) has suddenly making a “rare” appearance?
Yeah, it happens but why? Would be a good question given how the climate is changing and disrupting so many other beings lives, we humans share the planet with.
I’ve see an article on relationship of snowy owls to lemming populations and also one to coronal mass ejections (CME’s…geek stuff!). If it was timed during a ‘little ice age’ or just during decades of cold climate, it’s an effective migration distribution pattern, right? Ebird and birdforum have some neat threads on this stuff
And almost always it’s young males doing the wandering…just like black bears and mountain lions
I see them occasionally in my neck of the woods during winter migration too, maybe earlier in the fall? It’s always a sight to see!
I loved reading the comments to this post – people really appreciated seeing her, or him?
Here’s another article, most of the comments are making my day today:
But, I thought it was wolves driving ranchers into bankruptcy. Yeah, the two legged variety.
Here’s a little more info:
I just hope the snowy owl steers clear of LaGuardia Airport! In Boston I know they catch and relocate. In NY I fear it is ‘wildlife services’. I wonder if the sightings are really as rare as we think, because in our modern world people’s activities dominate, and birds can probably fly in unnoticed.
But at any rate, there’s a bird survey coming up and I wonder if I’ll see one at one of my favorite beaches, where I have seen them, hanging out on tall places. One year, a snowy owl flew right by me. It was and is thrilling. What a sight they are.
If anyone is interested:
Good news? I hope so:
I wonder how this will all sort out – wolves a protected species in Colorado, but subject to overhunting and abuse in Wyoming, Colorado’s Northern neighbor:
“President Joe Biden has directed the Interior Department to reconsider the Trump-era delisting decision.”
Read more at: https://www.bloombergquint.com/onweb/biden-backs-trump-decision-to-strip-gray-wolf-of-protections
Copyright © BloombergQuint
Not good
USFWS director appointed
Former Montana Dept of fish and wildlife director martha Williams, a dismal choice
USFWS replied to Biden’s request to review Trump administrative actions
No problem
Hopefully if Deb Haaland is appointed she might overturn that decision
Meanwhile a group of 20,000 savage individuals applied for the thrill of slaughtering unsuspecting wolves in Wisconsin
Tomorrow is a terrible day and a perfect reminder of why a national carnivore protection act is needed
Too many politics in the ESA protections
Trophy hunting should be stopped
It’s really a sickness to want to kill for fun
It’s ghastly. I cannot even believe this kind of barbarism is going to go forward.
If you listen to the so-called bored-meeting, one guy actually said, just as they do out West, that they want to get the population down to the ‘number promised’.
No regard for the species, nothing. I’m surprised the Federal government doesn’t step in.
This is not recovery, in any way at all. Or the recovery is about to end, and all the hard work that people have done and try to do is over.
Louise:: Fortunately, it looks like Martha Williams (Montana) was appointed by the Biden administration as only the “Principal Deputy Director” of the US Fish & Wildlife Service. She will be under the Director of the USF&WS as the “number 2” person in the chain of command.
Yes, hopefully when Deb Haaland is confirmed as Sec. of Interior, she will appoint a F&WS Director more in line with her more enlightened thinking.
Can she make decision though, like Bernhardt did? That’s exactly how he got his position in the Trump administration, and was able to make far-reaching decisions. Let’s not be naive about this. She must be there to do something?
I wish they’d hurry up and confirm Deb Haaland.
For example, weren’t the environmental decisions and parting shots of the Trump administration supposed to be reviewed, didn’t Biden task her with that?
I would have expected that someone temporarily leading F&W would have not come out defending the delisting decision, especially saying it was based on sound science!
It it is under review, as she has been tasked to do – there should have been a halt called to state hunting.
Trying to dart and collar wolves. To bad, wreck a good helicopter, hope the wolves are “howling” with laughter.
Is that all they were doing, I wonder? It was the Dept. of Agriculture Wildlife Services.
The new person Biden has appointed to temporarily head the Interior is the former F&W Director of Montana. She is on record as saying we should focus on ‘recovery’ and not ‘delisting’.
Sleight of hand, to me – once there is a delisting, recovery ends, because all states want hunting of wolves, and unless they agree to no hunting, that’s it for wolves. Not likely to happen. Just look at the states of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming if you want to see the worst in ‘management’. I hope people do not let it happen again.
Wildlife report:
Taking part in the yearly Great Backyard Bird Count, and I seem to have an overwintering Hermit Thrush at the birdfeeder. I’ve seen and heard them over spring and summer, but I wasn’t aware they wintered over. He (or she) has been there every day, I think for a week or two. So exciting! 🙂
And just like that, 200 wolves can be killed in a week. What happened?:
Thanks for posting Ida.
A bit more of the chronology without the pay wall
After the WDNR, in large extent to The public saying no February wolf hunt
🙂 Sorry. It does seem like a bit much.
And more in regard to the 200 wolf target From WPR
Another look.
VIDEO – Deer cross under wildlife friendly fence (Wyoming)
Sometimes I wonder how they manage. Loved the little straggler at the end.
Elizabeth Ann, what a sweetie. I’m not sure about my thoughts on cloning, but in an emergency save situation, it has its merits. A good life-saving ‘tool in the toolbox’ as they say, instead of life-taking. I just fear it should not be relied upon:
Bad news: the appeals court won’t even hear the case. What a disgusting mess:
This should be the example of all examples on what happens when an animal is delisted that continues to need Federal protection.
I’m relieved to see that the Great Lakes Native American tribes stepped up for wolves. I don’t think they will hunt them, but as it is always crassly put, and also in the article I read ‘a share of the harvest’.
And I should say I am very happy that a person of Native American descent has been nominated to lead the Interior, in and of itself. Of course, we never know what kind of a job someone will do, compromises etc., that may have to be made.
Monkey See Monkey Do
Just wow. It’s truly difficult to comprehend. But at least by tomorrow morning it will be all over. How can anyone, especially leadership, give this in any kind of dignity: 🙁
“Wisconsin will end its winter wolf hunt in most parts of the state Wednesday morning after hunters killed more than half the statewide quota in the first 24 hours.”
I watched quite a bit of the confirmation hearings today for Deb Haaland, and I thought she did very well, at least to the best of my knowledge! 🙂
One thing that concerns me is Sen. Daines from Montana raised concerns about the ESA, and that bears are federally protected in perpetuity. I didn’t realize that!
But I hope he isn’t asking for a compromise there, and I have read where Martha Williams is a grizzly delisting advocate too. Their reproduction rate is to slow to have hunting? Most others had concerns about fossil fuels – LA, ND.
Color me pleasantly surprised – Don Young seems like a very personable nice guy too.
But I believe Director of F&W is a position appointed by the President, not the Secretary of the Interior and serves at the pleasure of the President.
Ida: I wish I had been able to watch the Deb Halland Senate confirmation hearings. Often this pick goes to a western state politician who goes along with the status quo (Public Land oil drilling, logging, cattle grazing, mining, etc.). I think Deb Halland will be different (hope hope).
The Grizzly Bear is protected under the Endangered Species Act because of court orders… They are NOT protected “in perpetuity” as Republican Senator Daines lied about. They are protected until their number grow AND their ranges connect with each other, which they do not do now. However, it would be wonderful to have a law that protects them in perpetuity – wolves too!
I am sure Pres. Biden will lean heavily on Deb Haaland in picking his Director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. This is such a critical position necessary to support our Public Lands and their wildlife.
Yes, wouldn’t it! I think by and large, most approved of this historic appointment!
I hope he does also. 🙂
My apologies – many had concerns about job loss and fossil fuels, that should be mentioned and important – AK, LA, ND.
Senator Wyman from OR was super nice, and Sen. King from ME (yay!) with his lobster patterned tie. 🙂
Don Young has always been a terrible person on wildlife and environmental issues. I was very surprised and pleased that he was supporting her nomination.
scum sucking bastards
This is the danger and I see no one talking about it at the confirmation hearing today.
Lots of discussion about the ESA and recovery and ‘graduating’ from endangered species status is all laudable – but it is what happens after that must be looked at. Now an animal is simply abandoned.
These gleeful massacres in WI and in the Wester states have to be addressed. I’m willing to overlook decades of cheap grazing in order that massacres don’t take place under the guise of hunting!!!
You got that right. WI exceeded the quota of 199 animals by 16 to 135. And probably that isn’t the final count.
But this is now the responsibility of a new administration, and I hope it will be addressed, and not overlooked because of party.
oops or 119 animals, sorry.
I hope no one is falling for that same old line that there isn’t enough money in the budget because it all goes to wolves, and other causes are going wanting – so lets abandon the wolves?
162 wolves killed as of now. disgusting, you think they would have closed the hunt by now.
Savagery, isn’t it? Hunting is one thing, an eradication attempt is something else. As always, I think it is right wing political too.
They want the population to be 350, per the DNR board.
a bill was introduced in the ID legislature the other day to eliminate 2/3 of the Idaho wolf population and remove all restrictions on trapping and hunting them.
let see if this new supposed environmentally friendly administration steps in on this one. I won’t be holding my breath.
I fear it is at the very bottom of the many priorities, if there at all.
Wasn’t that tried before by this Jeff Siddoway? It never passes; hunting in planes and dropping in to remote areas via parachute seems too much like a war, and dangerous. More wolf hate than good sense.
It’s ridiculous. But with all the unrest, I hope it doesn’t this time. I blame what happened in WI on this political unrest too. It never ends.
At least one Great Lakes state has some integrity, but we’ll see if it passes:
Now here’s something:
She [Nada Culver] most recently served as vice president of public lands and senior policy counsel at the National Audubon Society. Previously, she served as senior counsel and senior director for policy and planning at the Wilderness Society, where she created a group that worked with people on participating in land use planning processes and management decisions.
Grazing rights RESCINDED for controversial Oregon ranchers”: (elections have consequences). Hopefully, Bundy will next.
I’ve noticed quite a change in the tone of the reporting these kinds of issues:
They need to leave the wild horses alone it’s their land not the cattle not the stupid people that wants to take over everything it belongs to the people of the United States and they want the wild horses to remain free on our public lands not cattle cattle tear up the land a hell of a lot more than horses do these wild horses are a part of our history for millions of years so leave them alone
Hear hear! Jeannie… Most people do not know that in almost all of the wild horse areas, cattle outnumber wild horses about 10 to 1. And yet, it is the cattle owners who claim that it is the wild horses that are eating too much of the grass and harming the land. Cattle should be BANNED from within designated wild horse areas.
It’s so up and down, grief one day, and then hope the next!
A nice place to settle down! 🙂
I hope they get the backlash of all backlashes for this.
They could have behaved in an honorable manner, observing the DNR rules (which were very liberal to begin with), respecting the Native American boundaries and their differing perspective on wolves (not vermin to be wiped out).
But no, they had to make it a slaughter, reveling in killing. Apparently, they do not care how they appear to the rest of the country, and even the world, they are so used to behaving with impunity.
From a confidential source, post hunt meeting between DNR, some pretty colorful language was bouncing off the walls. Lot of folks caught between a rock and a hard place due to that three day fiasco!
Good! Thanks for the update, Immer.
The veterinarian Dr. Fox has written an article on Chronic Wasting Disease which can be found at https://drfoxonehealth.com/post/chronic-wasting-disease-anthronpogenic-containable..
His article considers a wider range of factors including the lack of predation and the possible role of electromagnetic pollution and chemical pesticides etc..
It is one of the more complete articles that I have found online on this subject.
Wisconsin’s infamy made the NYT:
“Mr. Arrivo [Attorney for The Humane Society] said it was possible that many of the wolves killed last week were pregnant or might have been mothers with new pups that were still dependent on them and might now die of starvation.
“I think the actual death toll is considerably higher because of the rippling effects through the wolf family structure,” Mr. Arrivo said.”
“Trump Emboldened Extremists. They Could Spell Trouble For Biden’s Interior Department.”
Chris D’Angelo·Environment Reporter, HuffPost
Some states to kill wolves any way they can…
The message has to get through that ‘recovery’ is only part of the answer. What happens after recovery needs to be considered in a delisting.
WI is a prime example. They know they can behave with impunity, and the Interior will trumpet reports of the ‘success story of recovery’ only. It’s the only reason I can think of for them to have behaved in this way and to have made themselves look so bad. You’d think they’d have wanted to look good and moderate in the public eye?
I hope something is done about it.
Ida:: The Biden administration – Interior Dept. – says they are “reviewing” the status of gray wolves and whether the Trump administration erred in removing them from the Endangered Species List. And there are also law suits filed to put them back on the the Endangered Species Act….Hope springs eternal.
Yes, but it’s a little late, I think. And a dollar short. They did not step in before Wisconsin killed 216 wolves, at least, completely and deliberately ignoring the state’s DNR requirements. Idaho is going for year-round killing without even hunting tags necessary. Thanks a lot, Feds.
I’m not at all sure that they won’t agree with the delisting decision. The only thing the Democrats will agree with Donald Trump on.
I think the person he has in put in charge of F&W in the interim, Martha Williams, the former Director of FW&P for the state of Montana and a Republican, is a hunting advocate, has touted wolf ‘recovery’ in a not quite so honest way IMO, in the way the former Secretary of the Interior has. And unfortunately, I believe she is going to stay on board after the Interior Secretary is confirmed.
She has written a paper on the ‘Wolf Wars’. She’s an attorney, not a biologist. I’ve read where she says we should think about recovery, not delisting, in an almost spin doctor kind of way, IMO.
The Interior Secretary nominee, Deb Haaland, was supposed to be confirmed last Thursday. 🙁
I’m not sure if this was already posted here, but comment from Adrian Treves about the Wisconsin 3-Day Wolf Massacre. Scientists, not lawyers, hunters, or farmers/ranchers.
What has happened after delisting does not in any way exemplify a ‘commitment to long-term recovery of wolves’, as Wisconsin is on record as to wanting to bring the population down to 350 individual animals, and they might have done it in one week if the DNR hadn’t stepped in!:
“Adrian Treves, a professor of environmental science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison told Science Friday that the hunt could lead to the animal becoming endangered again.
“I think what the Wisconsin wolf hunt shows us is how quickly a determined group of hunters and poachers can reduce a wolf population to the level where it’s going to be endangered again,” he said.
Treves is concerned about the timing of the hunt, which happened during mating season. “So, we can’t expect normal reproduction in the coming year in 2021,” Treves said. “And we actually have no idea how badly the reproduction will be affected and harmed.””
And here’s the link to Martha Williams’ paper:
Wisconsin making a good case for restoring the gray wolf to the fully protected – Endangered Species list.
A day late and a dollar short, it seems.
A quote by Martha Williams from the paper you sent us;
“A species can reach its recovery goals in terms of population and distribution and even in the temporal sense, but if removed from the list of threatened or endangered species without some binding commitments to continued recovery of that species, human threats to its existence could quickly or over time change the conservation status of the species.”
What she says in several different places in this paper is that States like Wisconsin, Wyoming and Idaho (etc) must have binding agreements with the Feds to protect endangered species BEFORE they are declared “recovered” and removed from the Endangered Species list. Clearly these states have taken no such actions and in fact, have gone in the other direction and are decimating wolves.
Let’s hope Martha Williams and Biden’s team at Interior takes a conservative (as in “conservation” approach by RE-LISTING the gray wolf under the Endangered Species Act until all the range states agree to fully protect this iconic species.
I sure hope so. It is understandable that I would have doubts, of course. Her comments that we should concentrate on recovery and not delisting are concerning. And they are rather slow moving about getting it done.
The other thing is that this paper is from 2015. Was this done in Montana under her leadership? No state has done it, the sage grouse was a ‘voluntary’ agreement and look at where that has ended up. A pie-in-the sky view isn’t the reality of the situation. It would be ideal, but I don’t know that states with wolves would accept to binding agreements. The first words out of Sen. Daines’ mouth pretty much were about the ESA and ‘perpetuity’ in his questions to Deb Haaland.
She quotes Theodore Roosevelt too, about the loss of species, but who is also well known for his negative quote about wolves, per him, ‘the beast of waste and desolation’.
Thanks Ida….. I am hoping that what she is saying is that, IF states like Montana and Idaho and Wisconsin do not agree to have binding agreements to protect and conserve wolves with the USF&WS, then wolves will be on the Endangered Species list – and will stay there, as long as necessary. I know this might be wishful thinking on my part…. We’ll see.
I wish too! 🙂
“Schumer’s decision comes after GOP Sens. Steve Daines (Mont.) and Cynthia Lummis (Wyo.) said they had placed a hold on Haaland’s nomination.”
It isn’t necessarily news, but more questions and hypothesis about some wolves stories that are mysterious and that are quite a puzzle. Obviously, every mind love to try to work it out.
1) My first question/remark is about Yellowstone Wolf #695M, the founding alpha male of the Quadrant Mountain Pack in 2008. He was a black male who founded the pack with a gray female of the Leopold known as 469F [Born to 220F & 214M in 2003] aswell as a black uncollared female [likely 469F’s sister] & a big gray beta male.
Nobody really know where did 695M orginated from ? Kathie Lynch in her multiples referred him as a Geode Creek Pack Wolf, but it is rather unlikely in my opinion as The Geodes had dissolved by then [in 2005] and most wolves died soon after. Furthermore, 695M is black and the last breeding pair of the Geodes were [if i’m not wrong] #106F [a gray female born to #38M & #41F in 1997] & #227M [Born to 14F or 126F & 120M in 2000] [Another gray wolf].
2 grays can’t produce a black.
Then, their is the Swan Lake Pack. Forever an all gray wolf pack until 2005, when trouble came [most founding males died [#204M, #206M] or dispersed [#205M] when Agate #295M joined]. 152F would then died soon after.
#295M would returned to the Agates for a brief time & then paired with an black female of Southwestern Montana [SW186F], then uncollared and produced 6 pups in 2006. Which the Yellowstone Wolf Project would call the “group” as “the Regenerated Swan Lake Pack”.
I believe that #695M comes from this litter of pups, of which 3 survived to year end of 2006 [50 % pup survival]. That Black wolf [SW186F] is the reason of why Swan Lake had suddenly black wolves…
That’s my guess of his origins. Now his story.
695M [uncollared] grows and becomes a 2 year old [around] and seek love in the nearby Leopold Pack and attracts 469F, her black uncollared sister. The 4th wolf forming the original members would be likely 695M gray brother [my guess], also would be a 2 year old.
Swan Lake Territory always was adjacent to the Leopolds, the black wolf from outside who came in, the successful litter in 2006, the proximity of both packs from which wolves formed the Quadrant Pack, it seems like it could be the answer.
I know it might seems crazy, but that’s my guess. Aswell, When Swan Lake left the park in 2006/2007, a small group known as The Gardner Hole Pack stay in the general area.
what do you guys think ?
2) “Slant” The Slough Creek Wolf
She was numbered #621F after death in December 2007. She was killed by the Druid Peak Pack.
Aswell, two pups [1 killed by Druid, 1 found dead in Slough Creek] were likely numbered #620 & #622 after deaths.
I guess numering dead uncollared wolves is a way to identify/ID the samples taken from their dead corpses [blood, hair, DNA] for analysis & genetics.
That’s why “The Half-Black” would have been numbered #386F & “The U-Black” would have been numbered #427F in my opinion.
What do you think ?
3) SW147M & SW763M, Two famous wolves
SW147M was an agate born, who founded the 8-Mile Pack in 2005 or 2006 according to the Montana Annual Report. SW763M was collared in 2008 i believe. Could he be SW147M son ?
4) The very bizarre but interesting stuff, story of 5-6 legends [some not as well known as others]
Likely every one that red about Yellowstone Wolves knows about Wolf #9F, of The Rose Creek Pack.
She & #10M had a litter of 8 pups in 1995 : 16F, 17F, 18F, 19F, 20M, 21M, 22M & 23M, of which all females bred + 21M.
16F founded the Sheep Mountain Pack with Leopold Male #98M/165M in 1997/1998. She previously had litter with another wolf [34M in 1997] when it was still Chief Joseph II.
In a very very rare occurrences [as cited by R.McIntyre and many experts], some wolves bred at 10 months of age.
16F did with 8M in 1996 & she bred 98M/165M [Born to 2M & 7F in 1997] in 1998. 165M [Numbered as #98 as an uncollared pup] was 10 months old.
Ok so, anyways, let’s continue. They had pups in 1998 & 1999 & 2000 ?
In 2000, 4 wolves of the pack are caught after depredating on livestock to test something [aversive conditionning] in a ranch. These 4 wolves were : 16F [The Alpha Female], 189M, 195M & 196M [3 of her sons].
They were first placed in one of the acclimations pens in Yellowstone and then, transfered to the ranch of the experiment.
Here’s a picture of Number 16F [Misidentified as #19F, her sister who bred 21M in an in-breeding event in 1997, had 4 pups while denning alone and was killed by the Druid Pack and her 4 pups [73M, 74F, #75 & #76] all starved sad story short].
In brief, the picture absolutely can’t be #19F. It is 100 % sure Number 16F. Also to point out, in the last pages of the site “Yellowstone Photo Collection” in “Wolves” there is 3 pictures of wolf #470F. One of them is misidentified as Wolf #270F. The others are identified as #470F. So it proves another time, that that site has errors.
Link [Picture of 16F]
Ok, my bad for the long long text. I continue.
Sadly, 16F died in June 2000 of a renal failure due to stress of capture. She was 5 and had had a very rough life. She was hit by a car in 1997 or 1998 [i don’t remember which year] but she recovered [her litter of the year, that she was raising on her own, didn’t fare so well].
The 3 remaining brothers [189M, 195M, 196M] were released in November 2000. They all were good boys, not depredating for a good periods of time. 189M or 196M bred 155F in 2001 and she had 4 pups. She left them and founded the Freezeout Pack with her brother #161M in 2001 [she was later illegally shot that year]. 189M died shortly after [drowned], swept by the current of a river. He broke through while fleeing the Chief Joseph Pack [i think, if my memory of Ralph First Blog on wolves is good].
196M was shot for seemingly no reason in a control action as was 195M.
BUT…. 195M had bred with a Sheep Mountain Female… 4 pups.
Which turned out to be 2 unknown… #241M & #242F.
242F who joined/help found the Unclear Start of the Mission Creek/Moccasin Lake Packs & then become the Alpha Female of the latter with 473M of Swan Lake in 2005, 2006.
241M left for Idaho and founded the Steel Mountain Pack. As far as i know, he was still leading the pack as of 2008. One of his sons became notorious. He went by two ID’s : B-271M. He was born in 2005. I nicknamed him “The Traveler” after my lectures. He dispersed as a yearling and went as far as Yellowstone. He was first confused with another Idaho Wanderer, A certain B-195M with a bob-tail.
He tried [Unsuccessfully] to pair with Druid/Slough/and soon Cottonwood Wolf #527F in 2007/2008.
He didn’t work out. But as most stop knowing about his life, he continued far from being gone.
He continued to go east and paired with a female wolf of the Beartooth Pack. He would be recollared in 2009 as a Wyoming Wolf : Number #698M. The Female would be collared as 717F i believe. If she was re-collared in 2009, then she could be quite some of them.
He acted as a breeding males for at least 3 years there [2009, 2010 & 2011]
Yep, “The Traveler” became an old wolf. He died at the age of about 7 years & 2 months of unknown causes in June 2012.
YEP my friends !! Could he be !?
According to the Book “Charting Yellowstone Wolves : 25th Anniversay” by Jim Halfpenny, Leo Leckie & Shauna Baron and multiple sources, 949M is believed to have been born in the Beartooth Pack in 2011.
That means he could be B-271M/698M son !
That wolf later joined the Lamar Canyon Pack as the 6th alpha male of the pack history after famous #755M, #925M, #992M [Twin], #993M [“Dark-Black”] & #965M in October 2016. “Small-Dot” and “Husky” also joined with 949M.
He would died of CDV in August 2017 at the likely age of 6 years. CDV stands for Canine Distemper Virus.
So….. many stories, many “questions marks”, many opinions. That is the beauty of writing, imaginations and puzzle solving or at least trying to solve them.
Ah, and i got a last question, if i may….
5) Does anyone know the weight of wolf #925M or #1015M ?
6) What happened to Wolf #55M ?
Correction of one sentence : 469F & her black uncollared sister.
I wrote 469F, her black uncollared sister. Could lead to confusion for some.
Correction of one sentence : 469F & her black uncollared sister.
I wrote 469F, her black uncollared sister. Could lead to confusion for some.
Second typo : 155F left the males not her pups.
This is fascinating. 7 years doesn’t seem like a long life; and it is a hard-going life too, for wolves.
I wonder how long wolves lived before human interference and killing?
Thank you.
Around 6 years i believe. Packs fights & Being Killed by prey are the two main deaths causes outside humans. They indeed have a rough life
I consider 8 years being an real feat.
About 50 wolves only did accomplish that feat in the YNP Population out of 1200+ collared/numbered
[See below for a list that i made, there could be some errors but still]
It might not seems like a long life to us… But a wolf of that age can be a great grand-parent already.
Some wolves lineages had extremely fast generations and other extremely lengthy.
For example, Bechler Wolf 192M (The only male white wolf recorded in YNP and the longest living male wolf of the Wolf Project) was born in 1997 to 18F [Born in 1995 to 9F & 10M] & 8M [Born in 1994 to 4M & 5F]
192M lived for 12 years and “The Bechler Female”, who was born in 2008 to him, was/if not still is the Bechler Alpha Female.
She was supposedly as of January 2020 as said in the book : “Charting Yellowstone Wolves : 25th Anniversary”
This is an extremely long generation interval.
Only 3 [8M/18F, 192M/Uncollared Black-Silver Alpha Female, “Bechler Female] in 25 years.
Now, the only gray pup of the Heart Lake Pack.
Born in 2020 to 1104F & The Uncollared Black Alpha Male of Heart Lake, he is the only gray pup of a litter of 5. Currently, 3 black and this gray pup are alive.
He is a 9th generation wolf.
[1] 9F
[2] 7F
[3] 152F
[4] 541M
[5] “The White Lady”
[6] “The Wapiti White Alpha Female”
[7] 1091F
[8] 1104F
[9] Him/Her
The Wapiti White Alpha Female is currently a mother, grand-mother & a great grand-mother.
Some were great grand-parents at the age of 6.
Old Wolves of Yellowstone [8+ years] :
– 2M [April 1994 – December 31 2002]
– 5F
[Estimated to be born in 1990 or 1991. Last seen in 2000/2001]
– 7F aka “Rosie” [April 1994 – May 2002]
– 9F aka “Natascha”[April 1992 or before to 2002. She was last seen there in the Beartooth Pack]
– 13M aka “Old Blue”[April 1986 – Spring 1997] [Original Alpha Male of The Soda Butte Pack/Yellowstone Delta Pack]
– 18F [April 1995. Last seen in 2003] [2nd Alpha Female of The Rose Creek Pack]
– Legendary #21M [April 1995 – June 2004]
– 29M aka “The Wolf No Pen Could Hold” or “The Escape Artist”
[April 1995 ? – 2003]
– 41F [April 1995 – February 2004] [Founding Alpha Female of The Sunlight Basin Pack]
– 42F [April 1995 – February 2004]
– 44F [April 1996 – 2005]
– 48F [April 1996 – December 2005]
– 70M [April 1996 – 2005]
– 72M [April 1996 – 2004]
– 106F [April 1997 – 2005]
– 113M [April 1997 – 2007]
– 115F [April 1997 – 2005]
– 126F [April 1997 – Summer 2009]
– 151F [April 1998 – 2008]
– 152F [April 1997 or 1998 to 2005]
– 192M [April 1997 to Summer 2009]
– 193M [April 1997 – 2007]
– 209F [April 2000 – Fall/Winter 2008]
– 228F [April 1999 – 2007 – ?]
– 302M [April 2000 – October 2009]
– 303M [April 1998 ? – 2008]
– 469F [April 2003 to 2012]
– 471F [April 2003 to 2012]
– 472F [April 2000 to December 2010]
– 478F [April 2003 to November 2015]
– 495M [April 2003 to August 2011]
– 545F [April 2005 to 2013 – ?]
– 586M [April 2002 to 2011]
– 587M [April 2002 to 2011]
– 685M [April 2003 to 2011 or 2012]
– 689M [April 2006 to 2014]
– 712M [April 2006 to 2017]
– 755M [April 2008 – April 2017 – ?]
– 778M [April 2007 – 2016]
– 779F [April 2010 – April 2018]
– 821F [April 2009 – Denning Season 2017]
– 890M [April 2011 – Currently living]
– 907F [April 2013 – Currently Living] [Will be 8 years in a month]
– 909F [April 2009 – 2017]
– 978F/1239F [April 2013 – Currently Living]
– 1014M [April 2013 – Currently Living]
– “The White Lady” [April 2005 to March 2017]
– SW763M [April 2006 to 2017]
– The Uncollared Silvery-Black Alpha Female of Bechler [? – 2002 – 2009 ?]
– OEF [Old Everts Female]
Remark : i could have made mistakes.
Note : The ID numbers corresponds to the Entire Wyoming Population.
Not all were collared in YNP, nor were they all collared.
Some were numbered after death. Furthermore, at the beginning of the wolf reintroduction, pups got numbered even when they weren’t collared. It stopped being that way in 1998 i believe.
A little lobo news. Population keeps moving upwards.
I wanted to place a comment and a note on that post but i couldn’t, so here I am.
Link : https://www.thewildlifenews.com/2014/12/11/natgeo-mystery-grand-canyon-animal-is-a-gray-wolf-can-it-survive/
That blog post was of 2014 about “Echo”.
Here is more about that wolf :
She was collared as Wolf #914F and weighed 89 lbs. Voilà.
The Story of Wolf 870F [April 2011- March 16 2015]
870F : A True Force of Nature !
Here is her story [from all my lectures, even tho I never seen her]
The Mollie’s Pack had an aging but famous breeding pair in 2011 [In fact, the pair were the breeding wolves of the pack together since 2007/2008].
Nez Perce Born Wolf #486F & Mollie’s Born #495M. Two Highly Important and Amazing Wolves.
They were around 7 & 8 years old by then in 2011. But today, it is the story of their daughter, Wolf 870F.
She was born in 2011 to this breeding pair as a gray colored wolf.
In August 2011, her father died while hunting prey [an elk or bison].
She was only 3 months old by then.
Her mother went missing around November of that same year.
But The Mollie’s were a big pack and older sisters took the charge of leading the pack.
Wolf 686F & 779F were in commands and the big pack went looking for a new alpha male in the populated Northern Range in late 2011 and beginning of 2012.
By Populated, the Northern Range had these packs and groups in October :
– 642F’s Group [With Males 684M & 685M & Females 642F & 752F]
– The 8-Mile Pack [7 Wolves, 5 adults/2 pups]
– The Agate Creek Pack [At least 7 wolves, including 6 adults]
– The Blacktail Deer Plateau Pack [15 wolves, 10 Adults/5 pups]
And the last one : The Lamar Canyons [11 wolves, 6 adults/5 pups]
Many wolf watchers hated the Mollie’s because when they went in The Northern Range, they would and will wreck the place. They were an huge, massive 12 adults wolves and 7 pups.
The Agates lost 3 maybe 4 wolves to the Mollie’s : Beta Male #586M [A Mollie’s Born], Alpha Male #641M [Another Mollie’s Born], Yearling 775M & Alpha Female #715F.
586M was born in 2002 ? to 174F/193M & 641M was born in 2007 to 486F/193M.
Another Pack also had a clash with the Mollie’s : The Lesser Known Mary Mountain Pack.
The Mollie’s Killed their alpha male [Wolf #636M] and a yearling wolf [#758M] of the Mollie’s became the New Breeding Male.
Territoriality is a thing that isn’t as much close to us right now. But remember that a long long time ago, we defend our territories and huntings grounds from other groups of humans to maximize our survival odd.
It is the same for wolves and it can be fatal.
OK… Back to 870F.
She became a yearling in April 2012, and the pack had a new male arrived in late 2012 from part unknown : a uncollared gray male that would later be known as 980M later on.
During the year, the Agate Creek Pack dissolved & “Big Blaze” and 2 yearling females tagged with 2 Mollie’s to form the Junction Butte Pack.
The Big Male (838M, 128 lbs) would be killed by the Mollie’s in June of that year.
870F would joined the pack in August or September 2012 as
a yearling.
The Pack Consisted at her arrival of :
– “Puff” [911M]**
– “Ragged-Tail” [Female]
– “Patch” [890M]**
– 823F [Would be harvested in the Wolf Hunt]
– 759F [Uncollared]
– 889F**
– 970F**
– Maybe 2 more adults/yearlings
– 2 pups [of Ragged-Tail]
** : Not collared yet
The Breeding Pair were “Puff” & “Ragged-Tail” at the time.
The Junction Butte was one of the biggest packs in terms of the size of the pack after their first year.
[The Blacktail Pack started their pack with 4 agates & 6 Males from the Druid Pack for 10 wolves in late 2008].
Here comes 2013 !
Uncollared #759F dispersed and paired with 755M of The Lamar Canyon.
And our 870F had become the newest alpha female.
In the breeding season, The Junctions had 4 breeding females :
– 870F
– 889F & Likely 970F ?
During that particular breeding season, “Puff” bred with “Ragged-Tail” & 870F and likely with 970F aswell while 890M bred 889F.
Note that 870F, 889F & 970F are sisters and littermates.
Only… something happened.
While she was breeding and in a tie* with “Puff”, packs members mobbed 870F.
It was likely the thrill and enthusiasm of the breeding season and excited pack members.
She suffered a serious injury to her neck.
[* : the moment where two wolves are “butt-to-butt” and can’t separate from each other only with great difficulty in the act]
The Aftermath of that injury made her movements difficult and her struggling a lot to stay with the pack movements.
“Puff” stayed with her for a while. But he returned to the Junctions.
889F/890M had denned as a pair away from the pack, but their union was unsuccessful [no pups] and they went there separate ways.
889F became a loner & 890M rejoined the Junctions.
“Ragged-Tail” [the only female with surviving pups] went missing late that year [in November] and 970F became the new alpha female.
“Puff” left and returned for a brief time in his natal pack at that point : The Blacktails.
870F in all of this ?
She survived with a life-threatening injury alone for 2 months on her own.
She then rejoined the pack in 2014 with acting alphas being 890M & 970F.
Not for long however…
because she took back her throne from her sister and re-established herself as the dominant breeding female.
That’s some determination & perseverance !
That year, she bred with 890M and had 5 pups.
Her sister left the pack with “Puff” [now known as 911M then] and had a litter of 6 pups ?
Late in 2014, 870F suffered another injury.
She was attacked by the Prospect Peak Wolves.
Courageous and powerful, she survived another big event.
Three of her pups survived to year end [60 %].
The main pack in late 2014 joined 911M/970F.
In the Winter of 2014/2015, her sister 970F & her mate, “Puff” [911M], re-claimed their role of dominant breeding wolves.
890M became the beta male.
As for 870F, it wasn’t so easy.
Her sister forced her out of the pack. Don’t forget 870F was injured by the Prospects in late 2014.
And once again, she was alone, having to fend for her own food.
A True Warrior with an extremely hard and rough life, 870F passed away 6 years ago on this day, March 16 2015, of malnutrition.
She was nearing 4 years of age [3 years & 11 months]
She might have a lived an average life in term of lifespan, but what a life !
– Dominating Other Packs as pup/yearling with the Mollie’s
– Joining the Junctions
– Becoming The Alpha Female
– Being Injured While Breeding with “Puff” in 2013
– Surviving on her own for 2 months
– Rejoining the pack
– Re-establishing herself as the alpha female
– Breeding with 890M in 2014 and giving birth to a litter of 5
– Being Again injured, this time by an attack of the Prospect Peak Wolf Pack
– The Return of The Sister
– The Sister [970F] dominating and displacing/forcing her out of the pack
– Persisting for a while on her own but finally dying as true warrior and brave wolf.
That was a insight of her life :
Wolf 870F [April 2011 – March 16 2015]
Text : My own
Sources :
– Yellowstone Wolf Project Annual Reports 2011-2015
– Yellowstone Wolf : Tracking The Packs
– Charting Yellowstone Wolves : 25th Anniversary by Jim Halfpenny, Leo Leckie & Shauna Baron
– Multiples stories of wolfwatchers on facebook about those wolves and their personnalities
Picture of James Hager :
Gray wolf 870F of the Junction Butte Pack
The text is my work and preferrably ask before using : )
🙂 Wonderful. I have heard the Mollies were the biggest and baddest!
Thank for the comment, glsd you like the story.
I did! You’re right; she may not have had a long life, but is was quite a full life! 🙂
Save the Tongass!!
A heartfelt wonderful film – important – and timely.
The Biden administration should dedicate the Tongass and most of SE Alaska as a new National Monument – free from logging and mining, in partnership with the local Native Americans.
Adding to the video’s concerns, Ed.
Thank you Nancy for sending us this very informative and eye-opening article. The history that is told of Southeast Alaska is fascinating and the cost to the American taxpayers and ecosystems for its logging destruction is staggering.
I am very thankful that Pres. Bill Clinton initiated and worked hard to get the Roadless Rule passed… without it, most of our non-Wilderness wild Forest Service roadless areas would be no more.
Save the Tongass film:
The California Coastal Commission just voted 10 to 0 to ban off-road vehicles at Oceano Dunes near Pismo Beach within the next three years. Snowy plovers, least terns, steelhead trout, all Endangered Species were adversely affected by the ORVs to say nothing about the noise, dust and air pollution to the residents and wildlife of the area. This is the last place in California where motor vehicles are currently allowed to drive on the beach.
That’s wonderful! 🙂
A couple of documentaries coming up re killing contests. Beware, graphic footage. I don’t think I can watch, but I am glad that it is being shown so that people can be aware just how quite unbelievably violent they are. One of the organizers of a coyote killing contest in WI claims he loves and respects them. Now I’ve heard everything! And he is an advisor to the WI DNR! The WI DNR needs a good spring housecleaning and rules review, IMO.
And one from Texas.
I’m not sure if these are local or being shown nationally, but it was very disappointing that the wolf killings in Wi were not at least worthy of a sound byte on the national news.
Sorry, here’s the one from WI:
New Mexico BANS trapping and poisoning of wildlife on its Public Lands. Hopefully, many states will soon follow New Mexico’s lead.
These Oregon wolves were found dead 6 WEEKS AGO….. This is not transparent government… What do the authorities know and what are they hiding from the public??
Both Oregon and Washington do a lot of talking about protecting wolves, but the reality is that the livestock industry gets the real protection.
I’m not sure if this one was already posted?:
Wildlife biologists from tribal and conservation groups are decrying Wisconsin’s February wolf hunting season as a wildlife management “debacle’’ that placed politics above science and that will help anti-hunting efforts across the board.
And they’re now asking for changes to state laws before the same thing happens again in November.
“This wolf hunt really gave a black eye to sound wildlife management,’’ said Adrian Wydeven of Cable, representing the Northland College-based Timber Wolf Alliance. “It plays right into the hands of groups that want to stop any kind of wolf management, or any kind of hunting, because it was so excessive.”
Wydeven said he expects groups that have filed federal lawsuits to restore federal protections for wolves to now use the results of the Wisconsin hunt — which ended with 82% more wolves killed than planned — as an example of why states can’t be trusted to use sound science to manage the big canines.
And the absolute nerve of hunters, and ‘spokesman’ of HN, questioning and outright ignoring the DNR and scientists, thinking they know better.
Glad I don’t have this problem.
or this.
We’re all in this together.
News Flash: Montana Governor illegally traps and then executes a Greater Yellowstone wolf that was wearing a research collar… He is let go after a warning by the Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
Wow. 🙁 There are so many things that are wrong with the country’s hunting laws, but no respect for science and the wildlife with research collars needs to be rectified. All of this political posturing and selfishness has to stop. They are depriving Americans of their rights to have protected wildlife on our public lands and in our national parks.
I’m sure it is pretty obvious when an animal is collared? And done by the governor no less.
For anyone interested – the latest from a fellow blogger Max Werner:
Tribal leaders: Breach the lower Snake River Dams
Wow! And the improvements will be dramatic.
There is what looks to be a good documentary on the extinction, climate and pandemic crises airing tomorrow night on PBS:
More evidence that China is an outlaw nation where fish and wildlife are concerned. This is a sad and well written article with plenty of lessons to go around.
to Jeff E with respect
“Record litters revive bear population of the Pyrenees – to the dismay of farmers”
I’m not sure what they do in Europe, but at least in the US, it’s tiresome to keep hearing the reasons for killing wolves, coyotes, bears and other carnivores. Isn’t it a falsehood or at least a great exaggeration to say that ranchers and farmers do not have other remedies except for hunters with any depredation of livestock? They already have the right to shoot them, and get all kinds of assistance from the government:
As I was saying:
USDA meaning ‘Wildlife Services’. So the kind of overkill that happened in February in WI is not needed. Terrible.
Ida… Thanks for this.
“Hopefully they’re afraid of humans again and not coming close,” Calaway said.”
The MYTH that killing a predator like a wolf or bear or coyote somehow instills fear in still living predators is rubbish. Because they are DEAD, there is no way that a dead predator can signal to others to stay-away from humans and their livestock. This is what anti-wolf, anti-bear, anti-coyote humans call “wishful thinking”.
My wishful thinking is for Deb Haaland and the rest of Biden’s Dept. of Interior to RESTORE the gray wolf to the Endangered Species List where it scientifically belongs.
You’re welcome!
I agree, animals don’t just learn to avoid humans, after being taught to fear. And it is a disingenuous reason for killing them anyway.
All business have risk associated with them, and for farming and ranching, this is theirs, IMO. They get more than ample consideration for their losses by the gov’t. You would think that ‘checking on this to see that all is calm’ would be a regular behavior of a farmer or a rancher?
To brutalize them as in WI is totally unacceptable, as is a proposed year-round hunting season in the West, no tag necessary. How can this be acceptable as recovery and good species ‘management’ by the Federal government?
What’s more, these people boldly dance their unacceptable behavior right before the eyes of their states’ voters and taxpayers, and nobody seems to notice, or it means they approve.
Farmers, ranchers and hunters never compromise – unless you want to consider an unhealthy, unrealistic wolf population of 350 individual animal their only compromise.
Completely unacceptable, IMO. Yes, I do hope that the current administration will restore protections for these continually tormented animals. We will remind them continually as well, if they try to hide behind ‘recovery’.
Good read.
Hello Ida. My experience is in Africa, where wild animals live lives of constant “fear” that we humans would find impossible. Animals are used to predators, even where humans replace the top predators.
I must take issue over farming. Farming isn’t a hobby. It’s a business, and all businesses strive to reduce risks and increase opportunities. Where problems cost less than their solutions, they are tolerated, but where problems can be removed legally and economically, they are removed. Govt compensation sounds fine, but it is a whimsical top down control in a world of farming that is pragmatic and bottom up.
Even a vegetarian diet requires farmers to kill all the creatures that eat his/your vegetables, so everyone is culpable.
The reality is that a wolf has a more charismatic position in the minds of people and the press than a rat or rabbit.
If the scientists, ecologists and field managers are happy with the science and numbers, that is the only basis for a decision.
John Nash wrote, “If the scientists, ecologists and field managers are happy with the science and numbers, that is the only basis for a decision.” Unfortunately, these decisions to slaughter wolves in Wisconsin, Wyoming and Montana et al are like the Montana decision barring any wild bison to set foot on on any Public Land in Montana. They are NOT the produced by ecologists and scientists. The are produced by corrupt legislators bought and paid for by the livestock industry and have nothing to do with science or ecology.
The reason it is crucial for the Biden administration to place the wolf and wild-bison on the Endangered Species List is to take control of their management away from the livestock industry until both species return to healthy numbers in suitable historic habitats. I do not know if the Biden administration will take such actions, but we will soon find out.
The scientists have and do write letters, comments and recommendations. Theyare ignored for politics.
IMO, it really isn’t just that the wolf may have a charismatic appeal in the minds of some. For me, it is the ruthless persecution of them that must stop.
Those put in ‘charge’ of their caretaking have failed. I wouldn’t call what happened in Wisconsin normal at all, and it is just a continuation of what we have seen being continually pushed forward in the West. Wisconsin seems to have outdone even that.
They did not pay any attention at all to DNR recommendations, nor did they respect the decision of their neighboring Native American tribes.
The DNR’s rules which were very, very liberal to start with! They were allowed night hunting, dog hunting, and multiple users of one hunting tag from the looks of it. And still it wasn’t enough. At the heart of it, these people want to wipe them out, just like in the West. It needs to be stopped.
It is not a priority in the public’s mind, or these laws would have been tightened up, at the very least. Somebody voted the decision-makers into office?
And lots of other animals have charismatic appeal, certainly a rabbit does at this time of year. 🙂
At least for me there are many that do. Bison, elk, deer, grizzlies, coyotes, eagles, et al – all throughout human history.
You’re right Ida. Many animals appeal. Wolves have become iconic because of the intense politics around them. Also we should not forget the lessons of Yellowstone. Wolves end up bringing balance back. To me it’s the balance that’s important.
There’s much “talk” about “resilience” these days. It’s sometimes a “buzzword” to justify busy-fussing with the landscape. Resilience depends very, very much on diversity. Resilience of biotic communities depends upon species diversity. Resilience of species populations depends much on their genetic diversity. Wolves are part of that diversity.
+1 Political speak for sure.
Yes. I should add horses and the beautiful salmon to that list, among many others too. :0
Speaking of Yellowstone, did you watch this discussion, Hiker?
More info on the Trump wolf delisting:
“But there’s no indication yet that the Biden administration will attempt to roll back that move, despite an order the day President Joe Biden took office that departments across the government review decisions from the previous four years that were “damaging to the environment, unsupported by the best available science, or otherwise not in the national interest.” The order specifically cited the gray wolf delisting as one to reconsider.
It’s also unclear what effect the three-day hunting season in Wisconsin, where hunters killed nearly double the state’s non-tribal quota, will have on other states.”
VICTORY: Traps, snares, and poisons banned on New Mexico public lands!
Moments ago, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed into law a bill banning traps, snares, and poisons on public lands across the state of New Mexico.
The new law—called “Roxy’s Law” in honor of a dog who was strangled to death in a neck snare on public lands in 2018—will save untold numbers of native wildlife, including bobcats, swift foxes, badgers, beavers, ermine, coyotes, and Mexican gray wolves. It also will protect recreationists and our companion animals from cruel and indiscriminate traps, snares, and poisons on public lands across the Land of Enchantment.
This monumental victory for wildlife and public lands would not have been possible without the public’s backing and the work of WildEarth Guardians, Project Coyote and dozens of other conservation and animal welfare groups.
Thank you, everybody involved! 🙂
Wildfires, anyone? I sure hope not and am glad this mess was interrupted:
Thanks for this Ida….. The sooner the better!
“Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez told The Tribune that he would be advocating for a larger monument in his meetings with Haaland.
Nez said the Navajo Nation is maintaining its long-held position that Biden should not only restore Bears Ears to the 1.3 million acres designated in 2016 but also expand it to the 1.9 million acres backed by the Navajo government and other member nations of the inter-tribal coalition.”
The info continues to change about Planet Earth:
Wow! Thank you Nancy, this video is so very interesting and thought provoking.
Ida have you seen this yet?
🙂 No, I haven’t! Isn’t that something? Just like a dog.
Thanks for posting!
My comment? Deduct the amount overkilled from the fall’s quota, if not outright cancel it.:
“A newly formed Wolf Management Plan Committee is expected to begin meeting this summer to craft recommendations for a new 10-year plan for wolves, which were removed earlier this year from the federal endangered species list.
The committee, whose members have not been named, is to include hunting and trapping groups, wolf advocacy and education organizations and agricultural interests, as well as DNR staff and representatives from other government agencies, the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, and the 11 Ojibwe tribes which retain hunting rights in the northern part of the state.”
A few of the lowlights:
“Four of those wolves were taken illegally, though only one citation was issued for hunting without a license, according to the report.”
“The report said wardens conducted 101 investigations during the hunt and issued 14 citations and 31 verbal warnings.” (Now don’t do that again!)
“Randy Johnson, large carnivore specialist with the DNR, said using dogs to track wolves allowed hunters to be more selective than in prior hunts, when regulations limited the use of hunting dogs.” (How, you may ask.)
Oh, I know! It allowed them to ‘select’ double the quota of wolves to kill.
I simply cannot believe that WI has the gall to demand another hunting season in the fall, and a full one this time, after the disaster of this partial one. What makes anyone think the same thing won’t happen again? The complete ignoring of the rules by vicious predators?
In the partial season, the state killed off 20% of its wolves!
Not to defend Wisconsin, but in the 2012/13 hunt, hounds were not allowed. 13/14 and 14/15, hounding was not allowed until the end of deer season. What happened in February would not occur during a “normal”season.
I don’t understand why hounds were allowed this time, and it appears that they will be allowed in November.
It is an entirely different ballgame now, but that question should definitely come up.
I don’t think, after the rampant abuses in February, that there should be any hunting in November. It just sounds greedy.
Here’s the final report from the WDNR. I was surprised to see that 218 wolves were killed, not the 216 that was bad enough:
If this many were taken in less than 3 days, what makes anyone think it won’t be the same and worse when they have three months?
There really have to be some big changes made. Only a fool would believe that doing the same thing over again will have different results.
I cannot believe that no sooner than killing 218 wolves, and no consideration for the Native Americans, they are already planning another killing spree. It doesn’t speak well of us. 🙁
As I wrote before, use of hounds was not permitted in Wisconsin wolf hunts until after the close of deer rifle season. Wisconsin has greatly commodified its wildlife, and deer hunting is king. Interrupt that and scat hits the fan. In the past, use of trailing hounds had no impact until after deer season, by which time most of the legal take had already occurred. That’s why what happened in February would not occur if a wolf hunt occurs this coming autumn. Your argument is the flip side of of the argument used by those who believe the three day take is proof of wolf overpopulation and is the reason for the quota filled in three days rather than three months.
If you don’t understand why hounds were allowed, you don’t understand the impact of the hounding lobby, nor do you understand the make-up of the Wisconsin NRB (natural resources board), and the efforts that have been attempted to change its selection process. Grass roots efforts are being made.
If you would like to follow what is being done, or join in the process in whichever way you can, I’d suggest joining/assisting Friends of The Wisconsin’s Wolves and Wildlife. https://wiwolvesandwildlife.wordpress.com/
Out of state folks are welcome. Zoom chats occur weekly. Here’s an organization that is doing all the right things, and they provide a number of tools by which you could help, not just the donation button.
I appreciate your comments, Immer.
I probably don’t understand entirely, but I am obviously aware of the impact of hunting, hounding and agriculture in this issue.
But where I disagree is that catering to these people does not one ounce of good; they and they alone are responsible for the poor actions they take; and any retaliation they take is on them, not wolf advocates.
I didn’t realize out-of-state comments are welcome, I have read that blog.
Also, the lawsuit against the Trump delisting – the Federal government’s response is due Monday, April 19. We’ll see what is said. 🙁
Inmer do you know of any legal challenges to relist or what if anything is being done within o terror under Haaland
Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration Over Gray Wolf Delisting: Jan. 14, 2021
SAN FRANCISCO— Six environmental groups filed a lawsuit today against the Trump administration’s rule that removed Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in the lower-48 states (except for a small population of Mexican gray wolves in Arizona and New Mexico). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service made its decision despite the science that concludes wolves are still functionally extinct in the vast majority of their former range across the continental United States.
Earthjustice filed the lawsuit on behalf of Defenders of Wildlife, the Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, National Parks Conservation Association, Oregon Wild and the Humane Society of the United States.
There was supposed to be a Response due from the government on April 19, I haven’t seen or heard anything about it yet. Here’s the Complaint. What Idaho is doing also is way above what I would hope USF&W would or will support as protection of a species that has been delisted, or that is could be considered recovery:
Here’s the original report of 216 in case it has been ‘forgotten’, and this news reports says that quotas had been exceeded in several years prior:
Oh, it also says they have no changes to make at this time for the November killing spree, which I assume means that multiple dog owners will hunt with one man’s tag again then too.
Big changes should be made.
Hi everyone, here’s a sweet video I made of the Lamar Canyon Pack !
The video of 6 minutes 41 seconds showcase all the dominant breeding pairs [“Alphas”] in the Lamar Canyon Pack History.
The Pictures featured in this video are the courtesy of Optics Yellowstone & Gloria K. Straube.
They granted me permission to use their pictures. You need to ask them if you want to use those pictures.
Here is a link to Optics Yellowstone :
My sources of informations :
Yellowstone Wolf Project Annual Reports :
Books :
“Charting Yellowstone Wolves (25th Anniversary)” by James Halfpenny, Leo Leckie & Shauna Baron
Feel Free to comment here or on Youtube.
Beautiful, and a little sad too. :’)
Thanks for posting!
Thank you so much !
looks to be about a half mile due north of West Yellowstone
But how vile is it that there are vicious predators setting traps and waiting to shoot wolves just outside of Yellowstone National Park? Without regard for a collar or anything? It’s is so disrespectful – at least something there needs to change, a buffer zone or certain parts off limits, something.
There will always be poachers, no matter what the laws and regulations are. Now we’ve got legal hunting *and* illegal poaching, and government exterminators.
Something must be done.
WI ‘wolf management planning’ ramping up. Don’t know if I like the sound of that! I still believe that since the hunt was forced in February and so many were killed above quota, that there ought to be a decrease adjustment made to the quotas for the additional 2021 portion of the hunting season, if they must have one at all. Surely enough is enough?
Results of public opinion polls say that the public is satisfied with the current population as well. I hope that means something. Farmers have always had the option to shoot for predation, and the state has just renewed the contract with Wildlife Services:
The guide that was attacked by the grizzly has passed away. The bear has been killed after charging a group of game wardens.
Sad and unfortunate for all. The bear was being a bear and the article states the man was an accomplished outdoorsman who knew the risks.
It really doesn’t look like individual states are capable of managing wolf populations. It is a foolish idea from the start. You can’t have one state with protection and another without.
As many, many have said – wolves do not recognize state boundaries!
Idaho legislation aims to kill 90% of Idaho’s remaining wolves.
Ida is correct: “It really doesn’t look like individual states are capable of managing wolf populations.” The only workable option therefore, is to return the gray wolf back to the federal Endangered Species list.
Yes. And the sad thing is that this was predictable, once the ethically questionable decision by the combined forces in DC conspired to delist them. The judge in the case’s own words, not just from a nobody:
“The way in which Congress acted in trying to achieve a debatable policy change by attaching a rider to the [2011 funding bill] is a tearing away, an undermining and a disrespect for the fundamental idea of the rule of law,” Molloy wrote.
And for the grizzly, it was a terrible accident. We should have evolved from revenge killings of wildlife, and a pound of flesh demanded, in the 21st century.
The article states that the bear charged a bunch of game wardens. Game wardens or wildlife preservers, that is the question I guess. That’s normal behavior for a threatened bear? And that he was ‘old’
So what?
There are risks in the wild, unless we want to turn it into a sanitized zoo and recreational center. (Which sometimes I wonder may be true)
It was a terrible accident, but people already have all of the odds in their favor, in just about everything. Groups of people or hunters can’t go after an animal and then claim it attacked them.
I guess the media and others expect their prey to deliver themselves up willingly?
Sorry, source for the judge’s comment, but it can be found just about anywhere online:
Killing wolves is the only thing that either political party can agree on – even mum on Donald Trump’s continuation of the delisting! For unity I guess. I guess it looks better not to say anything, after disagreeing with every Trump decision for the last four years.
Wasn’t Elizabeth Klein from Audubon? I wonder why she was ‘dropped’? I wouldn’t trust Jon Tester’s assessment, and wouldn’t want the Interior to be in bed with him, again, or if he ever left.
I was pleasantly surprised, the national news has been having environmental segments (yay!) the last couple of evenings. This is on my wish list, and I was happy to see it up for consideration:
Sheesh, it just goes from bad to worse, doesn’t it. 🙁
One more thing – They’ve got Martha Williams, an attorney and the former Fish, Wildlife and Parks Director for Montana (for Gov. Steve Bullock) as Principal Deputy Director of USF&W, now the nominee for the Director of the BLM Tracy Parks-Williams, chief-of-staff to former Governor of Montana Bullock and aide to Jon Tester, and Jon Tester himself!
Too much Montana isn’t it, and this position will not just be about Montana and the West’s overriding concerns, as it always is. I have real concerns about it. It just seems ripe for corruption to me. I can’t believe it. 🙁
^^oops, two more things – and Sen. Daines too. Sounds like a nice little cozy club doesn’t it, and conflicts of interest? What does everyone else think about this appointment?
Here is an announcement article about Biden’s pick for heading the Bureau of Land Management.
She has been fighting the industrialization of our public lands all her life, so let’s hope she continues.
But – a lot of her time has been in Montana state government, where she has I am sure learned to do a lot of compromising. It just doesn’t look good to have such close relationships with the Montana state government, and to carry that over into the Federal government. Cronyism and old school politics.
In one of the articles I read, in ‘the fine print’, it said that some were worried that hunting and fishing ‘won’t be represented’! Not only are they represented, they are overrepresented, IMO. Apparently this person hunts and fishes the public lands, and Martha Williams does too. So I think I called it right when I thought from the beginning it is only going to be politics as usual.
Some Westerners who post here may be more familiar with her than I am. What do you all think?
But I don’t like to fall for PR spin of calling someone an ‘environmentalist’, or ‘head of Green group’:
“But news of Stone-Manning’s pending nomination came as a surprise to some BLM observers, who expected Biden to nominate Nada Culver, BLM’s deputy director of policy and programs, who is also performing the duties of director. Culver, like Stone-Manning, has an environmental advocacy background, joining BLM last month from the National Audubon Society.
Culver is expected to remain as BLM’s deputy director of policy and programs, helping Stone-Manning implement the Biden administration’s agenda, according to sources.”
I kinda was expecting Nada Culver of Audubon. I know she was only temporarily appointment to the BLM, but I wonder why she isn’t in the running? Maybe she isn’t a hunter, and I really do feel hunting is nauseatingly overrepresented in government.
And as far as William Pendley, that really isn’t a fair comparison. It’s almost offensive to read. Anybody would look good next to him.
I’m sure the taxpayers don’t want to continually shoulder fees for ranchers and hunters either! By this logic, if they don’t pay in, they don’t hunt – which I’m sure is wildly agreeable to most:
At least the Interior Dept. had the good sense to continue protections for grizzlies, such as theyt are:
The truth comes out in Wisconsin, but will anybody pay attention in DC?:
“The report, whose authors include a former state wolf biologist, says 60 to 100 wolf packs may have no pups this year because hunters took so many adult wolves, which could result in the loss of up to 40% of expected reproduction among the 245 known packs in non-tribal lands.
And because the hunt occurred late in the breeding season, the impact of those losses will be magnified, in part because it will be harder for remaining wolves to find new mates.
Wisconsin was the first state to legally protect wolves, the first to list them as an endangered species and the first to create a wolf recovery plan. Yet, the report states, “Wisconsin has now become a prime example of what happens when wolf management is driven by politics instead of science.””
“Opening the hunt so late in the breeding season made it much easier for groups of hunters with vehicles, radios and cell phones to track wolves using packs of hounds, the method used in 86% of the registered kills.
The report notes it is difficult for the DNR to enforce limits on the number of dogs used and that state law, which allows hunters up to 24 hours to register a kill, hindered the agency’s ability to control the hunt.”
“It [the report] also faults the DNR for damaging tribal relations by failing to consult with tribal leaders and for missing opportunities to gather data that could help assess the actual population impact.”
These laws need to be changed. Other states have not been allowed to go ahead with a hunting season without a valid ‘management plan’ in place. How did Wisconsin get away with it?
Is there a war on wildlife going on? Wolves, Tule elk, grizzlies, coyotes, and now bison at the Grand Canyon. Gianforte has nixed any plans to expand bison in Montana as well:
Kinda sad, but if it keeps them safe and wary, I suppose. . . and away from the lazy wolf-killers waiting just outside the park to harm them. 🙁 (It would be nice to haze them with paintballs too).
More disturbing statistics from the Wisconsin Wolf Slaughterfest in February. They really took their ‘political disappointments'(if you catch my drift) to a disturbing level, and the WDNR allowed it, or was naive about it, or maybe it is just incompetence! And to suggest another hunting season right on the heels of it!
If they think people are going to forget about it eventually, they couldn’t be more wrong. The cavalier attitude about it by the spokesperson was hard to believe:
“That 218-wolf harvest might reveal little about wolf numbers or pack distribution, but it suggests negligence for the record proportions of hunting licenses the Natural Resources Board ordered with its 7-0 vote Feb. 15. The DNR offered up the Board’s 2,380 permits and sold 1,548, or 13 times the nontribal kill quota of 119 wolves. That’s a far higher proportion than first three wolf seasons, when the DNR sold 893 permits in 2012, or 7.7 times the nontribal quota; 1,879 permits in 2013, or 7.3 times the quota; and 1,139 permits in 2014, or 7.6 times the quota.” [emphasis mine]
It cannot happen again, and the number over quota should be deducted from this year’s second go-round. But somehow, I doubt it will:
“Still, February’s season was not a low-key event. The DNR received 84 wolf-hunting complaints, which is 2.3 times more than the 36 such complaints filed during the previous three wolf seasons combined, which totaled 181 days.
Further, those 101 investigations are 26% more than the 80 made during the first three wolf seasons; and 14 citations in three days compares to 37 total during the previous three seasons: 10 for hunting and 27 for trapping in 181 days.” [emphasis mine]
Dogs weren’t allowed the first season, and not till after deer rifle season the following 2 seasons. Therefore, fewer complaints.
That said, growing disgruntlement with hounders is occurring, ever so slowly.
Should also say, the last two hunts, wolf quota all but reached by time hounds were allowed.
What’s the likelihood, I wonder, that the WDNR will restrict the use of dogs a little more this time, since the dog hunting was so abused? I’m sure that won’t go over well.
Something should be done.
If a wolf hunt is in the works for next autumn, it will revert rules to the past hunts. Deer hunters don’t want dogs running through the woods. That would be big money complaining.
Whew! I sure hope so, and that another mess of things won’t be made.
I just don’t know what to say:
Wildlife watch:
On a happier note, for any of you who feed birds –
The hummingbirds seem to have arrived early this year, at least for our area. Last year I saw my first one on 5/7, but this year within an hour of putting up the feeders, I saw a male, and then later a female on 5/3. I usually try to have them up by 5/1.
Here’s some good news, anyway. (Rated R for right whales!)
No wildlife is safe – first wolves, then bison – and now they’re after the wild horses, again: 🙁
Hi everyone! I love this thread. As I’m anxiously awaiting to hear how the trial for Steven Donziger is going, I wondered if you all are staying up on the case of the largest environmental lawsuit in history? See donzigerdefense.org or #freedonziger on social media
New wolf billboard campaign in Wisconsin
Hunters for Wolves
🙂 That’s great. It’s needed too, with all of the falsehoods being spread out there. I hope they will provide some good input to the WDNR survey.
It’s a really beautiful ad, Immer. Let’s hope it does some good!
Well here’s an initial good sign for Wisconsin – the DNR is proposing to cut hunting wolves at night, and to shorten the time period for reporting kills that was so abused during this last debacle. Whether dogs will continue to be used it doesn’t say:
“A spokeswoman for Hunter Nation didn’t immediately reply to an email Thursday seeking comment on the proposed changes.”
I know that someone posted notice of this here recently, but I thought I would post the actual letter. 115 scientists and experts! I wonder what the response from DC will be:
If someone has shared this article my apology for the double post. There are over 200 posts and I didn’t peruse them.
But this is a great article on an important species, beavers. I’m surprised that Oregon is this far behind the curve. It’s good to see people are working on getting beavers reestablished in the beaver state.
Let’s hope so!
The usual battle lines. But what isn’t said is how the ‘management’ of wolves once they lose Federal protection turns into abuse and eradication. People are not going to allow this to be ignored.
How can anyone not roll their eyes (at least!) when they know that running down wolves and coyotes in ATVs is considered proper management?:
^^and snowmobiles I should add. That is not hunting or management, and needs to end.
Here’s an interesting, older article (2018) from Todd Wilkinson:
“From killing baboon familes to staging predator-killing contests, hunters stand accused of violating the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Now they’re being called out by their own.”
Headline: “Yellowstone, Grand Teton National Park had their best April ever with more than 40% more visitors”
The “best” conservation money can buy.
Semantics matter.
Conservation is what conservation does, and it’s never preservation.
Very true! And what about staffing? My bet is that NPS rangers are overwhelmed.
More like the worst April ever.
How much of this is due to Covid and overseas travel restrictions? Americans are travelling “in country”. I’ve seen huge numbers of visitors in Arizona. Maybe they should start restricting visitation.
Already it is starting, despite the oh joy tone. This one has a pretty accurate headline:
“The department may also create zone-specific tags instead of statewide ones.”
“Adrian Treves, professor of environmental studies at University of Wisconsin-Madison, added his name to the May 13 letter.
“The Trump administration removed federal protections from the gray wolf in November 3, 2020 and did so against the advice of the majority, if not all, of the peer-review scientists whom they contracted to look at their science. I was one of those five scientists, and four out of five of us found major shortcomings in the science that should preclude delisting by the federal government,” he says.
Treves says under the Endangered Species Act, states must craft regulations that protect wolves. “In my evaluation, and I’ve done this formally and publicly with evidence, I’ve show that there are inadequate regulatory mechanisms,” he says.”
Treves points to poaching as an example. “Poaching, illegal killing, is the major cause of mortality and therefore any effort at conserving the species needs to address the major cause of mortality first and foremost. We’ve shown without a doubt that it’s being underestimated, and it increases when wolves are delisted, or legal protections are removed. Illegal killing has been underestimated by the state,” he says.”
About 10% of population annually.
AB needs to find a hole in which to crawl. He’s one of those ne’er do wells, scofflaws, that isn’t happy unless he can stir up scat.
Wolves = GOOD!
Another grizzly bear destroyed already this year. I’m not sure what the grand total so far is, but this is why they also should not be delisted or hunted. I thought there was another bear killed too, but that was in Alberta?
The ‘agencies’ seem to be right on the case when they decide to destroy one, keeping right up any complaints,
in this case it was only two cattle, and they ‘believe’ others. No ‘assistance’ from hunters is needed IMO:
Land use ethic continuum
Destruction Conservation Preservation
Here’s a recent article by Louisa Willcox for Counterpunch, about the continued threat to grizzlies:
“Highly modernized states, including California, Nevada, Colorado and Washington, are leaning more toward mutualism, according to the research. North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana have more residents with traditionalist values.”
^^Cultural, social values study regarding wildlife recovery. I thought JB would be part of this. Thanks!:
Isn’t this the most wonderful thing?:
I wrote a thing.
Sagebrush Long Game
“Whatever the reason, experts and their well fed journalists create harm by not putting the larger goals of the overall NFLC network into perspective.
That is: a critical mass of Sheriffs and citizens to tell the feds to piss off.”
Here’s an opposing view that is in support of the WI wolf hunt, but what it fails to recognize is the out-of-control, ugly behavior of the so-called ‘hunters’, with no respect for the DNR’s rules and quotas either. They were ignored for hate and ignorance, which in no way should be condoned:
https://townhall.com/columnists/williamdbalgord/2021/06/08/supervised-hunt-posed-no-risk-to-survival-of-the-wolf-n2590617behavior of the so-called hunters, where ha
For some reason, that link didn’t work:
William D. Balgord, Ph.D., heads Environmental & Resources Technology, Inc. in Middleton, WI and is a contributing writer for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation
Ah, that last part explains a lot…
I was wondering. You’d think all of Creation would be respected?
In the 1970s DNR officials, with support from the Fish and Wildlife Service and environmental groups, quietly undertook a study to determine the feasibility of bringing the gray wolf back to northern Wisconsin. After a pack was discovered to have wandered in from neighboring Minnesota, the plan was set in motion. Subsequently, additional breeding pairs were planted at several state locations. Similarly, gray wolves were introduced into Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.
I’m particularly happy about the one off the coast of New England too!:
Has this ever been done before?:
More good news! The Secretary accepted Senator King’s invitation to vist!:
“Haaland also is expected to meet at Acadia with representatives of federally recognized tribes in Maine. Haaland is the first Native American to serve in a presidential Cabinet.”
I do hope that they can get to the wolves issue soon though.
Thank goodness!:
oops, I misread. I thought raising quotas around the park was being challenged. This article makes it sound like some are trying to use Wisconsin’s hunting tactic to increase the quota, using the same old tired and untrue argument that wolves are harming the elk herds. smh
Wildlife report:
I hear barred owls fairly regularly in the woods behind my house, but last night there was quite a racket! I heard the usual ‘who, who, who cooks for you?’ call, and then some kind of answer, and that happened a few times over the night until near dawn.
I wonder if there’s a nest and young? I hope so. I’ve gotten the regurgitated pellets left on the deck too. 🙂
Wildlife report:
Oh my gosh – I happened to be out in my garden, where I have been growing milkweed for Monarch butterflies. Well, I finally happened to see a hummingbird moth, the Snowberry Clearwing. What a magnificent and beautiful moth! I had heard of them but had never seen one.
I looked up some more information and I see that they or their Western counterparts are on loggings management list too.
Here is an interview I did for KPFA 7/2 on a DoD forest to fuels project in Oregon called Red Rock Biofuels. It’s tied into a climate/bioenergy series, recently on aviation and Stay Grounded as they raise awareness to the expansion of Oakland and SFO airports (RRB will (might) serve SWA and FEDEx).
Over budget, over schedule, shut down at $356M in taxpayer backed monies and asking for more with “wildfire” Wyden to the rescue.
And, I didn’t mention the WWP Ruby settlement once.
Terra Verde – Red Rock Biofuels: A Case Study in the False Promises of Bioenergy
Comments on the following proposed item will be accepted until Monday, July 26, 2021, at 5 p.m., with final adoption at the August 2021 commission meeting.
If you want to comment on the upcoming wolf hunting (elimination) season:
Hunting and “Hidden” Deaths Led To Estimated 30% Reduction In Wisconsin Wolf Population
No Minnesota Wolf Hunt this year
Oh that’s great! Thank you, Minnesota! 🙂
For Monarchs:
Isn’t this awful. This is the kind of thing that I do not believe F&W departments take into account when ‘managing’ populations to very low levels, the audacity of it! Some sort of disease or climate disaster have the possibility of knocking down numbers to very low levels. This is affecting salmon too, already on the ropes:
Bear hound training began in Wisconsin on or about July 1.
Wolves just got their first hound.
The carnage has begun
“Any talk about gun control in northern Wisconsin usually receives a ton of pushback from hunters and gun advocates raising 2nd Amendment protections.
Just about nothing else in the region engenders as much passion.
However, a very close second for many is property rights and the ability to control one’s land, including who can and cannot use it. Recently the issue of property rights reached a heightened state in the Sawyer County town of Draper, where local landowners are organizing against what they allege is a consistent pattern of trespassing by bear hunters using hounds on private property without permission.”
Some good wolf news:
What can you say?
Apologies if I posted this before (it looks familiar), but I still cannot get over that 1/3 of WI’s wolf population was killed on in 3 days!:
Mom’s powerful friends keep high-ranking hyenas on top
The more closely high-ranking cubs copied their moms’ social networks, the longer they lived. Cubs of lower status females, meanwhile, were best able to raise their survival odds by picking better allies than their moms did.
🙂 Isn’t that something. Animals are more like us than we realize.
How is the WDNR going to handle the November hunt to insure that another third of wolves are not killed in November’s hunt?
It was so out of control that the quotas even if reduced I fear will not be respected again. There really has to be some sanction or reduction in quota, and definitely shorter time period for reporting kills, if that is even observed at all either. What an absolute mess.
How does this happen in a national park? It really broke my heart to read. I wonder if the driver even stopped or cared? We all know what would happen if the situation were reversed! Some people I really believe do not belong in the national parks – or perhaps automobiles should be restricted from certain areas. With increases in population in the future, I don’t know how the parks can deal with it all.
I’ve never visited Yosemite and frankly, to know how overcrowded it seems to be, I’d probably and sadly have the experienced ruined.
But on a happier not, first Monarch butterfly (and eggs!) of the season seen in my garden and on milkweed plants.
I’m kinda put off from going unfortunately hearing reports of how busy Yosemite is, and the concession fight over naming rights to the Ahwahnee really put me off. 🙁
All of the stupid mundane things.
More questionable legalities from the WDNR:
Via Red Lake Treaty Camp protesting Enbridge Line 3:
“Arrests by multiple agencies. Highway Patrol took some folks, Pennington County sheriff and also Minnesota DNR – Conservation?? bought and paid for by multinational, Enbridge”
Photo credit Chris Trinh via Instagram #StopLine3 @GovTimWalz
Monarchs! A few days/week ago, I saw a Monarch butterfly in my little bit of paradise. So I checked for eggs in the milkweed, and there were a few. Today, a precious, tiny little hatchling.
I’ve decided I’m just going to let them be and not continually fuss over how they are doing like I have other years. 🙂
I hope the poor guy or girl can stay out of trouble!:
Long read by Nate Blakeslee on Wisconsin’s wolf massacre & Wolf Patrols
I’m almost afraid to look! But I will.
I knew I recognized the name – he has recently written a book about wolves.
Also, info re Michigan and delisting of wolves:
“The Service may not break a species into recovered populations in a way that cuts out orphan populations that would otherwise be entitled to protection.”
‘orphan populations’
And not to be outdone, but what company they keep!:
In a Monday filing, Utah said it wants to join the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Rifle Association in defending the Trump administration’s December decision to de-list the gray wolf
enough said
“The National Rifle Association was granted permission to intervene as a defendant in the case in May. It said that if the plaintiffs win their case, the wolves will be relisted, and its members won’t be allowed to hunt them as game during state-run wolf hunting seasons.”
^^Isn’t it just complete folly for each state to have its own ‘management’ of wolves? Each state doing something different. Some delaying/not having hunting seasons so you don’t know what they are going to ultimately do, others taking complete advantage right from the start.
There should be *one* standard for all states by Federal law – how else can the so-called recovery continue? Absolutely pathetic!
Good job putting into perspective, Carter.
I’m glad it is making news, so that people will become more aware of what happens from ranch to plate for something as trivial as a hamburger.
I’d not say that the ranchers are ‘torn’ between hunting(? more like killing) and deterrents for livestock predation either – they don’t want to expend the extra effort it would take for non-lethal means, and just want to get rid of them. What’s going on in Idaho is way over the top and should be stopped, and of course WI wiped out a third of theirs in only 3 days.
I think giving up eating beef is one answer.
especially, when most of the meat comes from no-wolf territory!! just pathetic entitlement
^^I’m glad that PBS reported on it, but it doesn’t mention the cheap government grazing fees and allotments and other benefits ranchers get, and the payments they receive for loss of livestock, under many times questionable circumstances. There’s a lot of room for finagling, IMO. I’m glad that Carter Neimeyer did express concern for killings getting out of control.
One thing that I am surprised isn’t done is stopping the killing of collared Yellowstone wolves, or at least fines for it. Lazy hovering around the National Park doesn’t affect anyone’s ranch. Still would like to see a buffer zone. The article posted here in the Guardian by Nate Blakeslee unfortunately reminded me of his book American Wolf, where he writes of the hunter who killed the famous wolf 06and kept her pelt. Something really should be done to prevent this, not shrugging our shoulders and saying ‘oh well’.
The sacrifices that are made in loss of public lands and killing of wildlife, ending with a hamburger or steak on someone’s plate just isn’t worth it, to me.
Another think I’m kinda (but not really) shocked at is just how many ranchers are in politics to influence their own cause, which should be a conflict of interest – from the local to the Federal level, like an iron wall that is nearly impenetrable, and for probably centuries. Pretty formidable, and sad that it is allowed to go on unchecked.
And of course, the ‘bottom line’ $$$ is all that matters in our world, like that is reason enough to drive animals into extinction. 🙁
Also, re the PBS video – I was glad to see the journalist ask the rancher/politician about the 1% or less statistic for livestock lost to wolves.
Talk about nerve. The fall hunting quota has been set at 130 wolves for November. Isn’t that higher than the February original quota that ended in a slaughter? I also want to know what has been done to keep these killers from going well over quota again:
^^So that means Feb kill 218 (at the last count I am aware of)
A 130 kill quota in November at a minimum
= 348 wolves at a minimum killed by hunters and trappers in less than one year for 2021!
Nobody can call this proper management of a species, and to maintain such a ‘remarkable’ recovery. The Interior will turn a blind eye and a deaf ear, but if enough people complain about it, they won’t be able to.
And Montana and Idaho:
I’ve seen videos posted here from this gentleman before, and now his topic is the Wisconsin Wolf Hunt:
Hmmmm. So when arrogant F&W directors say how much hunting a wolf population (or other wildlife population) can withstand, the minimum viable population size should be at least 1,000 individuals over time?
Right now, it is the wolf populations getting hammered. 🙁 Grizzlies too have isolated populations. And yet nobody can think of anything but selfish trophy hunting or legalized dog fighting.
Thanks for posting.
“The department scrambled to put the season together, setting a quota for state-licensed hunters at 119 wolves. Hunters blew past that mark, killing 218 wolves in just four days. Animal advocates complained loudly that the hunt had done irreparable harm to the wolf population in Wisconsin.
Nevertheless, the DNR is required by law to hold a season beginning in November. DNR officials prepared a memo for the agency’s board last week that proposes setting the quota at 130 wolves.
The working limit for state-licensed hunters could be lower than that; Wisconsin’s Chippewa tribes are entitled to claim up to 50 percent of the quota across the ceded territory, a huge swath of northern Wisconsin the tribes handed over to the government in the 1800s. The Chippewa will not hunt wolves; they consider the animal sacred.
Keith Warnke, administrator of the DNR’s Fish, Wildlife and Parks Division, wrote in the memo that the agency must be cautious because the department doesn’t fully understand the impact of the February hunt on the wolf population, noting that hunt was held during wolves’ breeding season.
The department also doesn’t have any experience running a second hunt in one calendar year, he said, and is still working to update its long-range wolf management plan.
“Sustainable management requires conservatism and caution in this fall’s quota,” Warnke wrote.”
“While I understand that there are farmers and ranchers in our state that have had legitimate concerns with their herds and the losses caused by wolves,” said [Sen.] Carpenter, “they have always had the ability to protect their livestock. What occurred earlier this year and seems likely in the November season, is the wanton killing of incredible animals that have special meaning to many of our citizens. I think it’s an important question to ask the Department. Why are we doing this so soon again and without adequate rules in place?”
More wolf news. How unbelievably cruel. But what can we expect from the ranchers’ servants:
“The state of Oregon killed two 3-month-old wolf pups under the irrational premise that it would somehow lessen the food needs of the pack. Wolf pups are no threat to livestock,” said Rep. DeFazio. “Nearly 80 years after a federal extermination campaign nearly wiped out the species, I will not sit by and allow the re-implementation of cruel, inhumane, and unscientific policies that degrade local ecosystems. I have called on Interior Secretary Haaland to expeditiously relist the Gray Wolf under the Endangered Species Act to prevent their likely extinction.” [Emphasis mine.]
There were supposed to be 55 speakers. Perhaps 5 no shows. More than 40 of us spoke to the board for numbers ranging from the 130 that the DNR professionally presented all the way down to a quota of zero. I believe fewer than ten spoke in favor of higher numbers, in particular the hounders. I figured the 130 number was going to hold, was floored by the recommendation for 500, and still simmering at the 300 number. The good old boys club won out. The board argued about the old wolf plan vs a new new plan, ie 350 wolves vs a higher number based upon social and ecological carrying capacity, yet seems to be complicit in preventing this new plan from occurring, three member in particular.
What? This cannot stand. 🙁
Thanks for attending Immer! Just unbelievable. I didn’t even think 130 was a good idea. I hope it is challenged, but the DNR has rejected any scientific argument about the damage done by the last hunt.
It’s not the DNR. They were pressured into another hunt, and to come up with a quota. In Wisconsin, if non-listed, Wolf hunting is mandated. The DNR explained the conservative nature of their figure and why. It’s the Wisconsin Natural Resource Board (NRB), that calls the shots. There are three individuals on the board who are really not fans of wolves at all.
This must be grandstanding. If the kill quota is this high, how will they justify another hunt next year? (I’m sure they’ll find a way.) And how someone whose term has expired is still allowed a valid vote is beyond me. I hope it is ripe for a court challenge and injunction.
There’s no guarantee that wolves will be relisted again, but I do hope that a review is done in light of this.
This is what I was referring to:
“Since the [independent February WI wolf hunt] study was released earlier this month, the DNR has been pushing back against its findings. Spokesperson Sarah Hoye told Wisconsin Examiner, “We at the DNR stand by our science, including our approach used to inform the February 2021 harvest decision, and remain confident in our continued ability to provide data-driven results to inform policy decisions involving wolves.” Hoye called Treves’ population comparisons an “inappropriate, apples to oranges comparison.””
The WDNR helpless to do anything in February, helpless to do anything now. Something needs to be done about it – I dearly hope it is going to be challenged in court.
Oops,sorry, forgot to include the link to the article, “Wolf Study Raises Questions About What’s Going on in the Wisconsin Woods”:
From Immer’s post:
“The season that begins on Nov. 6 will mark the first time Wisconsin has held two hunts in a single year after Kansas-based Hunter Nation sued to force a hunt in February. The DNR had previously planned to hold a hunt this fall. But hunters sued over fears that President Joe Biden’s administration may place the animal back on the endangered species list before November and lose a chance to harvest the wolf.
As the fall season approaches, DNR officials are proposing to end night hunting of wolves, shorten the registration window after harvest and issue zone-specific tags.
The agency is aiming to bring an emergency rule before the board in September that would bar night hunting and shorten the registration window for this fall’s wolf hunt in November. DNR officials hope to have permanent rules in place as early as next spring.”
I thought the reasoning for the February hunt was that it was required by law that one hunt (per year) after a delisting. How are they able to justify two hunts in 2021?
But at least the DNR is, hopefully, going to ban night hunting (which isn’t in any way necessary and feels like a war tactic) and tighten up registration and reporting requirements so that they are not abused like they were in February. Still, it appears to have to pass with this ungenerous, iron-fisted board.
Is anything being done about it otherwise?
Yes, this is a documentary about native wild horses but you can insert many other species of wildlife here that haven’t conformed to the will of man[kind]
50:57 in, sums it up well:
Lovely. And look at that sage brush. So emblematic of our country, and worth taking care of.
Using brains that can only have arisen from a horses posterior.
Just leaving this here to keep thing 100%.
Total SCHF to WWP to date (2020): $1,798,850.
Money that was to go toward grazing permit retirements and maintaining their (SHCF) current properties.
Not bolster and expand WWP or its staff.
Just wow – I’m not surprised, and I have suspected as much, the influence behind the candidate for the Director of the BLM (from the above MountainJournal article. I wish politics wasn’t so predictable:
“US Sen. Jon Tester of Montana introduced the legislative amendment that kicked the wolves into the greedy hands of the state fish and game agencies. The rule was crafted by none other than former Tester aid Tracy Stone-Manning, who is poised to become director of the Bureau of Land Management. In 2020 the Trump Administration delisted wolves nationwide, thus exposing Midwestern wolves to hunting, resulting in a mass slaughter of wolves in Wisconsin.”
Perhaps a bit of a way forward?:
Perhaps this voice may get through? I don’t know what to say if 115 scientists and experts are ignored though:
I guess no one is really surprised – the inaction spoke volumes:
“The removal of protections had been in the works for years and was the right thing to do when finalized in Trump’s last days, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Assistant Director for Ecological Services Gary Frazer told AP. On Friday, attorneys for the administration asked a federal judge in California to dismiss a lawsuit from wildlife advocate s that seeks to restore protections, signaling the conclusion of Biden’s promise on his first day in office to review the Trump move.”
This guy wants Congress to pull another ‘bar from judicial review’ provision to delisting. Can it get any worse?
Who’d a thunk WWP and PERC would be on the same side of an issue?
Note Western Priorities stance(s): Stop O&G or grazing is OK and industrial wreckreation is seen as the replacement.
Conservation sucks no matter the version, as human “non-use rights” will never equal the right of the natural world to an unmolested existence.
“The announcement applies to a single national fish hatchery and 88 national wildlife refuges, according to an Interior announcement.”
Extinction hunting and fishing as responsible wreckreation, conservation semantics, as “refuge” means nothing of the sort, preservation where there is none.
Conservation is as conservation does and it sure ain’t preservation.
Such is the state of the wreckreation captured movement.
“Increasing access to outdoor recreation opportunities is essential to advancing the Administration’s commitment to the conservation stewardship of our public lands,” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement. “Responsible hunting and fishing helps to promote healthy wildlife habitats while boosting local recreation economies.”
Concerning quotes that this “expansion of opportunities for hunting and fishing on Refuges is the greatest expansion in history”: It’s all been in the law since 1997!See the Refuge System Improvement Act. “Compatible wildlife-related recreational uses are the priority general public uses of the System; shall receive priority consideration in management; include fishing and hunting”.
Regardless of climate, the current semantic of refuge is incompatible with the reality of the ongoing loss of biodiversity and 6th mass extinction. It’s time we no longer accept killing wild things for recreation – for fun – and we need to delineate ‘conservationists’ accordingly.
+1 Well put.
On a little bit more of a happy and uplifting note:
Wildlife report – Late last night I happened to hear some jingle-jangling outside at my birdfeeders. I kinda knew who it might be, but went outside on the porch with a flashlight to see.
I heard this little mewling sound, like a kitten, very close by, and up in a tree was a young racoon – not a baby, but young. Then I heard growling close by too (probably Mom), so I figured I’d better get back inside. But what an adorable baby.
I believe one must be careful with Emma Mariris. She is an environmental writer with a masters in science writing. I read her book Rambunctious Ramble at the suggestion of one of our past favorite anti-wolf contributors. Interesting that individual, takes her Rambunctious Ramble to heart, yet fails to accept her writing that woodland caribou are a lost cause due to anthropogenic influences. My review below, is just my review of he Rambunctious Ramble. Her Ted Talk presented by Nancy is a Cliff Notes version of her book.
The following review is written by The Wildlife News contributor George Wuerthner, and is quite a bit more critical than my review.
Apology. Her book is properly titled Rambunctious Garden
I think it’s a good place to start for children, certainly. I grew up in a rambunctious garden myself, for which I am eternally grateful (the Monarch butterflies!).
But some of her views on wilderness preservation I don’t agree with. We’ve had a few articles about it posted here in the past.
Found this to be interesting, how wolves unknowingly go awry of human ‘rules’. A lot of it we are familiar with, but there’s still interesting thoughts:
Some rare lately good news on the environmental front:
Try not to be put off by some of the more inane comments. 🙁
E. O. Wilson. Should you of missed this documentary:
RE: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/13/squirrels-human-like-personality-traits-study
We see studies/observations like this from time to time and I always say, “Could have told ya most of what you found before the study”. But it is so true whether it’s squirrels to birds if we care to really observe with a desire to understand, then I say, “Animals are people too.” The golden-mantled ground squirrel is one of the NPS best ambassadors. Many a child or adult for that matter, have stories and pictures of this squirrel begging for food or just being curious to park visitors. Enjoyment of life is universal, all life forms just want to continue their existence and experiences. That’s what drives evolution. We all can experience that phenomena if we just take time to watch and get to know our animal companions on this rock. All of us share some of the same building blocks so we are bound to have similarities. Thanks to the researchers that do take the time and then publish. At least those who are too busy to bother can stumble across the observations in a newspaper.
+1 🙂
Wildlife report:
I took a walk down to the beach and salt marshes, and I happened to be there during Monarch migration. Countless, countless butterflies.
I’m hoping it’s a hopeful sign, and it’s certainly good news and uplifting to see. It is gorgeous. I hope they make it all right!
Hope they are successful:
Maggie, what do you think?:
“Groups representing the tribes sent a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland asking her to act quickly on an emergency petition they filed in May to relist the wolf as endangered or threatened. They also asked Haaland, a member of Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico and the first Native American to lead a Cabinet agency, to relist the wolf on an emergency basis for 240 days, ensuring immediate protection. [Emphasis mine.]
The groups say that states have enacted “anti-wolf” policies that present “a real potential of decimating wolf populations.”
I’m curious to see just how responsive this administration truly will be. The article says that neither side has consulted with Native American tribes on their policies.
All dogs have prey drive, some more than others.
Case in point, I live in the woods of NE MN with two of them. The older one used to chase a lot,seldom caught up to anything, and was never gone long. The younger one has crazy prey drive, it’s not a game but food. One dog will also pick up on the other, in particular with snowshoe hare. They will work together. Shock collars have been the only tool that will control this behavior.
Good article Jeff
“All dogs have prey drive, some more than others.”
and I’m pretty sure this is because all “dogs” are the result of genetic (breeding) manipulations of the original.
I know. I’m preaching to the choir.
Yes, I meant to comment – it seems like the are returning to their wild roots.
Also, Wyoming seems to want to push their luck:
Be still my heart:
“Wyoming again is leading. We’ve led on the sage grouse, we’ve led on migration corridors, we’re leading on the Grizzly Bear and we’re leading on the Wolf . Wyoming knows how to do it and I think the Federal Government should respect that, ” said Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon.”
They’ve led alright, but not in the direction most would hope for.
Carlin was not often appreciated, outside of his onstage comic definition of life but he was very, very good, if you listen closely, to what we’ve done, as a species, to the planet and how the planet will recover.
6:07 minutes in…..
A followup should some not understand where Carlin was coming from?
Wolves in NE OR near Baker City (cattle country) are in the crosshairs for chowing down on livestock, despite multiple non-lethal efforts, it is said. Seems they are easier to get than elk or deer in the area. OR wildlife officials have a kill order out again. Of course, tensions remain among wolf advocates.
Every year across the US over 1.5 million deer to vehicle collisions occur, causing an estimated $8 billion in damage. To put this in perspective, 4,100 of these collisions occur every single day somewhere in the US. Injuries to drivers and passengers occur in about 5% of these collisions, and 150-200 people are killed annually. Over 90% of all deer hit by a vehicle will die from the injuries that they sustain from the collision.
Deer to vehicle collisions do not only have an economic effect on the vehicle and its driver. Besides the repair cost and possible medical bills, the loss of the deer during the crash accounts for another economic loss. WAFWA considers that an average value for an individual deer amounts to a little over $1,200. These economic costs are attributed to the loss in revenue from hunting game population, wildlife viewing tourism, and carcass removal costs.
There is an average of 7,000 deer to vehicle collisions per year in Oregon, resulting in $44 million in economic losses, 700 injuries, and 2 deaths. Oregon drivers have a 1 in 254 chance of hitting a deer while driving. The highest number of accidents are between October-November and May-June when deer are migrating to their seasonal ranges.
Some of the photos are surreal – and the firefighters have done quite a good job!:
I used to be a NPS Ranger there decades ago. There is a lot left out of this report, and all reports I’ve read.
First of all fire is the number one way these Giant Sequoias reproduce. They have tiny cones and smaller seeds. The heat from fire will dry out the cones, which can remain green on the tree for decades. After the fire thousands of tiny seeds rain down on burned over areas, where they don’t have to compete for space or light. Years later thousands of seedlings will have sprouted, maybe one of which will survive to become one of the giants. The big ones have thick, fire resistant bark that enables them to withstand most fires, but eventually they will probably burn. Fire is crucial to their long-term survival.
Second is the story about Mineral King.
Long before this was NPS park land people built cabins to enjoy the summer. Then Disney wanted to build a ski resort there. The cabin owners didn’t like that so asked the Park Service to intervene, with the understanding that the cabins would become NPS property after the original owner passed. Fast forward decades later and you have these inholdings owned by the families of the original owner, now long dead. They broke their promises somewhat like what we see at Pt. Reyes. I say let those cabins burn. They are not worth the risk to our firefighters.
The only question I have is that it seems some of these areas are not getting a chance to recover from what I have read, and the fires are so intensely hot that it is destroying the seeds?
Is that true? You’d not want to see it turned into a wasteland. 🙁
Ida, Sequoia seeds remain in the cone for decades until heat from a fire rises up hundreds of feet and drys the cones out. The seeds pop out days later, after the fire.
BTW an adorable squirrel, called the Chickaree, will climb up these huge trees in early fall to harvest these cones. You can hear the thud from them dropping.
Yes, I was aware of all of this generally, but I thought that with the current fire situations, they are happening with so much frequency and are burning so much hotter that the cones are destroyed as well?
I’m not saying I’m approving of the country’s fire management generally, just that in the case of these particularly iconic sequoia trees, they’ve done a really good job of trying to save them.
And as far as the cabins, that’s up to them if they want to consider them historically important enough to save. I’d say they are eminently better than yet another Disney theme park ski resort!
Here’s something else too, this sends a bad message IMO, harking back to the Western expansion that almost wiped them out, and guns in the National Parks isn’t really desirable. I think there is resistance to this on both sides of the aisle!:
Thank you Governor Polis!
“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said last week it would spend up to a year reviewing whether or not to reinstate federal protections on gray wolves, a turnaround from August when the Biden administration said it would uphold the previous administration’s decision to remove the gray wolf from the list of animals protected by the Endangered Species Act.”
Of course the Western state would defend it. But you’ve got to wonder why the continual creep of increased in hunting quotas, despite the passing of ten years – and this is the year with the most dramatic increases in killing and killing methods possible.
Night hunting, aerial hunting, and running down with recreational vehicles. Really? This is called acceptable management?
I guess they thought since so much time has passed since they delisting, they could do whatever they wanted in a free-for-all, which was predictable. I’m glad USF&W is finally stepping in.
This should be enough to have the Western states ‘rethink’ their practices, or risk a relisting. I do hope there is a relisting though.
These state cannot be trusted to ‘manage’ wolves
A giant of the wildlife/wild lands advocacy is missing in Yellowstone NP as of early this week.
A friend and champion of many an advocate, Kim Crumbo, has been missing since he and his brother did not return from a four day back country trip in the southern region of the park.
I am very anxious about this, his brother’s body was found near the eastern shore of Shoshone Lake. Kim is an avid outdoorsman, 20 year veteran of NPS, founder of Rewilding Institute and a former Navy Seal.
I hope he is found alive and soon. Thankfully the nights aren’t too brutally cold here right now.
Very sorry to hear this. Hope you get some news soon.
Always very sad. But I thought they had found Ivory Bills in Arkansas?
“The Trump administration’s rule removed penalties for “accidental” or “incidental” bird deaths — arguing that it’s not fair to levy penalties for these kinds of deaths.
But it acknowledged at the time that the rule it was putting forward could cause companies to decide not to use best practices to limit incidental bird deaths.
The Interior Department said Wednesday that on Thursday it will publish a final rule nixing the Trump-era regulation.
By revoking the rule, the department will return to interpreting the law as prohibiting incidental harm and using its discretion about enforcing it — at least for now.
But it will seek comments on a potential rule of its own to authorize incidental harm of migratory birds, it said in a statement. [Emphasis mine]”
Wind farms and preventing bird death is going to be a quite a dilemma. I’m not sure I’m going to like what they come up with in order to promote wind energy. 🙁
Idaho’s wolf madness accelerates
Why, why, why do they put these things in the most sensitive areas?:
Ida – the folks hoping/trying to make changes, have been out there for DECADES but its up to the rest of the human species to try and filter the good and the bad before its too late.
Brilliant man! 🙂
Just wanted to make clear that my post below was about the oil spill.
Ida, my reply/post to you of John Francis’s quest was also about oil spills, if you had taken the time to watch?
But it was an hour long so here’s a much shorter version and about 10 minutes in, the connection will become obvious 🙂
I didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings. I had posted two comments together, and my second one sounded kind of vague when you posted yours between them, that was all. I thought it might be confusing to readers.
^^It’s like a worst nightmare scenario. 🙁
A few brief observations I have regarding a recent outsidemagazine piece.
“Could this all have been avoided with NPS carrying capacities and quotas, in this case climbing routes in Wilderness?”
The carrying capacity should be zero. Let them figure out another way to commit suicide. They are just re-inacting the hierarchical metaphor of climbing the ladder to ‘success’.
I used to see this behavior with motor cyclist “hill climbers”. They just had to make it to the “top”, even if they suffered personal injury. Part of the same crew that backed their RV’s up to wildlife watering devices and dumped their sewage into them or took wooden flotation devices ( designed to keep small animals from drowning in stock tanks) out to build camp fires with. Vandalism was so bad that the BLM actually pre-punched road signs in the hopes of keeping them from being shot up.
These kinds of people should be made to plant trees while the air is still somewhat breathable.
🙂 He’s very handsome.
its October and bears are still hoping for a last minute meal in this “live” webcam? When the salmon run is pretty much over by the end of July?
Or did I miss something? Or are these old bears finding more sources to get through the winter months?
Wisconsin DNR sets wolf hunt quota at 130 animals
kinda surprised no one posted this yet. The right wing WI DNR board wanted 300 wolves killed. The DNR basically said screw that.
Oh good! I’d rather it’d be zero, but it’s a lot better than an outrageous 300.
Sorry to post again, but it’s a good news day –
Guess who may have shown up again? His name is certainly fitting:
this is sickening. wildlife services kills 8 wolf pups in Idaho.
“High school students at Timberline High School in Boise were devastated when they learned that Wildlife Services killed the Timberline pack’s pups. The school adopted the pack as its mascot when the school was founded in 1998.”
I hope that these horrible, inhumane actions by our government will encourage more people to defend the country’s wolves and biodiversity. I really don’t think the government gets it, at all. It is very disappointing.
Good article, Erik.
Wolke the industrial wreckreation Outfitter.
Preservation is mentioned twice – both referencing the National Wilderness Preservation System.
Conservation is mentioned 12 times.
Carrying capacity not once.
So much for movement “heroes.”
I knew it would only be a matter of time before these states went to far. They cannot seem to help themselves. Supposedly, it has the potential to trigger relisting:
“The ruling is a victory for environmental groups, which sued in 2018 over the wolf’s recovery plan and how it handles what’s considered the most immediate threat facing the species.
“Having recognized human-caused mortality as a threat to the wolf, the Service acknowledges that it was required to incorporate in the Plan, to ‘the maximum extent practicable,’ a description of site-specific management actions as may be necessary to address the threat and achieve the goal of conservation and survival of the wolf,” U.S. District Judge Jennifer Zipps wrote.”
“Dane County Circuit Judge Jacob Frost said it appears that the season is unconstitutional because the state Department of Natural Resources never enacted permanent regulations establishing season parameters, instead relying on emergency rules put in place shortly after then-Gov. Scott Walker signed a law in 2011 authorizing an annual season.”
In light of this possible decision, it does not seem that the hunt in February should have ever gone through in the first place? What a terrible waste of life. To go over and above the quotas and ignore the DNR and Ojibwe as well.
I hope that the killing frenzy hopefully will be stopped.
oops, sorry – that should read I hope that the killing frenzy will be stopped and if the February hunt went forward illegally, that restitution will be made.
I can’t stop reading about it:
These Republicans make a distinction between Conservation and Preservation.
Why can’t enviros?
And, of course, the Rs still lie: Biden expressly rejected preservation.
“Conservation is engrained within our western way of life. Our livelihood and quality of life out West is reliant upon healthy landscapes which is why we take pride in stewarding the land for current and future generations. Western land users should be seen as partners for accomplishing our conservation goals, not targets. Unfortunately, that is not the approach taken by the Biden administration’s 30 by 30 initiative.
The Biden administration has called to place 30 percent of our lands and waters in “conservation status” by 2030, but time and time again, they have failed to provide more information-much less define “conservation status”-all while simultaneously endorsing preservation policies.”
The above web article written by two republican congressman mentions that “Our longest standing partners in land stewardship are our ranchers, sportsman, foresters and land owners”. Or those that gain economically from their various capitalistic practices.
Well, let’s see. Ranchers take water and forage and get predators killed off, sportsman shoot or trap wild animals (especially fur bearers like wolves), foresters cut down trees for lumber and land owners not infrequently cut off access to public lands. So are these the people best suited to manage public lands? Yes, if you want to make deserts and monocultures.
Thee was of course no mention of ecology. Ecology once branded as a science subversive to capitalism has been removed from the conversation. No matter how maligned, ecology is still a science of consequences. Consequences that are becoming more up front and personal even though politicians keep blowing smoke to get votes and put off the on-coming ecological disaster.
“In closing remarks, Peterson asked the state to keep him informed on changes to hunting rules meant to tighten up wolf season controls. He also asked the tribal attorneys to stay in touch on the status of the injunction issued in the other Dane County case.
If the injunction were lifted, Peterson said he would be ready to act.”
“If you need an opinion from me I’ll be prepared to render it promptly,” he told the parties.
I cannot believe Tester would support these newest practices?
“This year, the White House set a target of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy along every U.S. coastline by 2030. That would be enough electricity to power 10 million homes.”
I hope they don’t run afoul of their own environmental and bird and marine life protection laws. Right whales are already at the brink:
An excellent article written by George Monbiot the author of “Heat”, a essential book on global warming.
“In the US, Joe Biden promised to pause all new leases for oil and gas on public lands and in offshore waters. His government was sued by 14 Republican states. Though climate campaigners argue that Biden has many other tools for preventing such leases from being issued, he immediately folded, and his government has now begun the process of auctioning drilling rights in Alaskan waters and the Gulf of Mexico.”
“The handwaving, the complexity, the grandiloquent distraction in Glasgow are designed above all for one purpose: not to accelerate this transition, but to thwart it.”
So fricken complicated, not to mention insane (the total lack of communication – the “been doing it forever” mentality so prevalent in too many areas of the country) when it comes to public lands and private lands and the wildlife on it.
Sad news. Can the infrastructure improvements bill help wildlife threatened by traffic?:
“To call the meeting perfunctory would be an overstatement,” said Rain, director of the film Family, author of the Wolf Treaty, and executive director of the Global Indigenous Council.”
Ironically amusing in its predictability. Opting out twice shows that the administration not only does not care, but does not respect the cause of protecting wolves, either. It may very well be the only thing this administration is willing to compromise on or agree with of Trump’s decision, or they just want to ignore it and let sleeping dogs lie:
Interesting article if anyone is interested. I wish our country would stop trying to eradicate wolves after so many centuries! Isn’t it sad that this one poor animal has been so unfairly vilified the world over:
Nepotism as Inertia
A draft I will never finish.
Wonder if the same is true for BLM, USFS, etc.
*Hope all is well with you.*
Nepotism as Inertia
Recently I was reading an HCN piece about how the NPS has suppressed a report on workplace harassment. In it was a response from agency spokesperson Anzelmo which made me recall her parent was a Superintendent and is often used by the media as an “expert.” Some followers of Malheur might remember her (Joan).
My spouse and I are former NPS employees and for decades we have discussed nepotism in the NPS and beyond to all bureaucracies in general.
While at Yosemite we watched it in practice with several high ranking officials including Steve Shackleton (former NPS Chief of LE; former YOSE Chief Ranger; father former Chief Ranger) and Mike Reynolds (former Regional Director; Acting NPS Director; father former Regional Director). We discussed Cam Sholly (Current YELL Superintendent; former YELL Chief Ranger; father former YELL Chief Ranger) and Fred Fagergren (former ZION Superintendent; son current ZION Chief Ranger). About how father and son former NPS Directors Horace and Stanley Albright set the standard from the get go.
Now, imagine the entirety of the NPS and federal workforce.
My background includes a graduate degree in Public Administration. I know a primary reason we have a Merit Systems Relations Board and Office of Special Council is Congress created laws to combat nepotism and promote professionalism within the Civil Service. To also combat bureaucratic inertia.
Imagine the discussions around the dinner tables about workplace harassment (much less environmental carrying capacity), at their conferences, the inertia of the in-crowd who “bleed green and grey.”
One can argue that the NPS is resistant to organizational change precisely because of generational nepotism.
Hello Chris: I suggest reading “The Bureaucratic Experience” by Ralph P. Hummel
I experienced work place harassment during the Reagan/Watt administration which was designed to get rid of employees who would not fall subservient to the whims of the hierarchy. If you wanted to maintain your own integrity you were deemed the enemy.
Never under estimate the possibilities for evil in a bureaucracy.
Another interesting article. Nature’s own Build Back Better infrastructure program?:
“The study from PNAS is very clear, “Wolf entry reduced DVCs by 24%, yielding an economic benefit that is 63 times greater than the costs of verified wolf predation on livestock.” This massive benefit to the economy can also save the lives of drivers. The study explains that “About 1 million DVCs occur every year in the United States, causing 29,000 human injuries, 200 human fatalities, and nearly $10 billion in total economic losses.” This massive impact on both the economy and the unfortunate loss of life means that reducing DVCs could have huge implications.”
Occasionally, research comes along and fills in gaps occupied only by our suppositions. In this case, I recall extensive prior arguments with TWN commentators concerning the extent to which wolf predation is additive vs compensatory. I was frustrated with some folks who wanted to view predations as primarily additive, and in particular, their unwillingness to acknowledge competition between large carnivores. In particular, I’ve noted several times that there are an order of magnitude more cougars in western states than wolves — they are both obligate carnivores that have very similar prey (elk, deer mostly). And now science is telling us wolf abundance is associated with steep declines in cougar abundance. Hmm…now I wonder what kind of effect that has on the total number of elk “lost” to predation? WM…?
If you all have not heard, SARS-CoV-2 has now infected the white-tailed deer population in the U.S. The study conducted at Penn State indicates that 30-40% of deer in the eastern and middle portion of the U.S. have anti bodies against this disease. White tailed deer now constitute a reservoir for this virus so that it will not likely ever go away. Some websites have indicated that humans cannot catch it from deer but this presumption is premature. This is no data to confirm or deny at this time.
Secondly, chronic wasting disease has spread to camels in north Africa and possibly to tree squirrels in the south eastern U.S.. The game departments in the U.S. have endorsed the prion theory but I think something else is going on. Unfortunately the money for CWD study is going to prion research rather than the investigation of other possibilities such as those proposed by researchers like Dr. Bastian from LSU.
The prognosis does not look good for us and our wildlife. The bureaucratic hierarchy is stuck in its own mire while problems are piling up like cord wood and “science” fights over funding.
It’s awful. 🙁 I shudder to think of what steps might be taken.
For those who know of Jim Stiles, he now writes for Range Magazine – the zine of the Sagebrush Rebs.
Even I wouldn’t do this (re: WWP/SHCF).
I love that feeling, to feel insignificant near something greater than myself.
Expanding high-speed internet to ‘the rural areas’ has me a little worried. Sometimes you want to get away from all of that. I hope the West won’t be ruined with the infrastructure plan.
Just don’t use your phone? I know, it’s not really a ‘solution’ it’s avoidance, but better 5G than more roads, roadkill and ATVs maybe?
That’s what I’m afraid of – that it will bring all of that in with it as well, development and heavy equipment to add cable lines, etc. Like development usually does.
Probably more road building, tearing out more trees to run cables above or underground.
True. Would be great to have ‘non celltower/cellphone zones’ or something and keep it as is. Nothing says we can enjoy the great outdoors like Twitter, huh? And, if someone can find a way to profit of it, they will
“Brown trout spawn in the fall, and many of their eggs are now without water, putting a whole class of fish at a potential total loss. FWP staff and volunteers, including many employees from local fly shops, have been working to relocate fish stranded without enough water.”
Hopefully the mexican wolves won’t suffer the same fate.
“There’ s no longer any doubt — the wolves found in Norway and Sweden today are actually Finnish, according to extensive studies done on their genetic make-up. Humans wiped out Norway’s original wolf population in the wild around 1970.”
+1 You’d have to wonder because there were reports of constant government culling over the years.
Congratulations on such a dubious distinction. One of the countries to drive an animal to extinction.
A ‘deal’ reached? I wish they would get this ironed out, instead of constantly killing off our bison due to unproven fears of brucellosis spreading to cattle. It is blocking their natural migration. I thought that the animals had been tested and found brucellosis-free for years now?
To my knowledge, a sizable proportion of the bison in Yellowstone Park have always tested positive for Brucella abortus. Interestingly, there is some evidence that they are somewhat less affected by it than are domestic cattle, despite the disease being present in cattle for a much longer time. A possible reason: natural selection is working to favor any bison that can function with Brucella. Cattle, not being so exposed to the disease, are becoming ever more dependent on vaccinations, which avoid natural selection. JAB
Thanks for the info!
This is such a sacrilege, I can barely read and post it. The entire pack?:
A much needed win for nature, in another part of the world:
“The case had been viewed as “one of the most important and worthwhile… of this century” and one that could set a global precedent”
We can only hope……….
That is wonderful news. We rarely hear about the protection of the rights of nature.
“Advocates for the wolves say they understand there’s a need for hunters’ voices to be included in the debate over the wolf management plan. However, they also say it should be possible to find someone who hasn’t violated the state’s trapping laws and Quaintance’s inclusion reflects badly on the committee’s chair, DNR large carnivore biologist Randy Johnson.”
What can you say about something like this? Other than a thorough housecleaning and redo is in order.
I am not aware that any wolf has killed a human in the lower 48 states, whereas domestic dogs kill between 30 and 40 people per year. The Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh reported that there are 2,400 dog attacks per day in the U.S.. Some people keep large aggressive breeds of dogs like they keep guns.
I grow more angry about misinformation ( not matter if it’s about wildlife or COVID) designed to keep people in a fearful state. There is too much fear already. Lying to the public only makes the problems worse.
Both political parties have proven to be failures- we need a better option. It is time that the government fears us- not the other way around.
For the sake of fairness, there are just shy of 90,000,000 dogs in the United States, living in very good, to absolutely horrible conditions. Biting in some ways is just a form of expression, and unfortunately a young child is involved, oft times not the fault of the dog.
At roughly 10,000 wolves in the lower 48, generally not living in close proximity to people, one would not expect very much aggressive attention toward people.
To put things in perspective, I live just outside the BWCA with a couple of dogs, and have long advocated for wolves.
“Scientists spotted an endangered right whale dragging a length of fishing rope caught in its mouth as it swam with a newborn calf off the Georgia coast, a rare confirmation of a birth by an entangled whale that experts determined they can’t safely attempt to help.”
Why the heck can’t they help her? These animals are so critically endangered I fear the will go extinct in our lifetime. It doesn’t appear that fishermen and lobstermen want to take the steps necessary to save them.
This seems to be good news. I hope they receive a guilty verdict and an truly appropriate sentence.
They’ll never come off the Endangered Species list this way. You just can’t save people from their own narrow-minded stupidity.