Wolves and Prey

  • Wyoming study shows surplus killing is uncommon- So the Jackson Hole wolves rarely engage in surplus killing. This uncommon event is morphed into “killing for fun” by hard core antis. Wolves are most likely to abandon a carcass when humans disturb it, but that is only some packs.  Another Wyoming myth dispelled is that the…

  • 2 of the 4 wolf packs have disappeared and the overall population has dropped from 24 to 19 wolves The interactions of wolves and moose on Isle Royale National Park have been studied for decades. In recent years the wolves, due to their low genetic diversity, have exhibited malformed vertebra and other deformities related to…

  • Conservationists accuse each other of distorting elk and wolf data. This article is about the recent public fight between the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Defenders of Wildlife. I think part of the reason that the feud has heated up is because of the use of words like “annihilation” when referencing wolves and elk. I…

  • New study shows elk move into Yellowstone Park or unaccessible private lands. We’ve all witnessed, or heard the stories about, how elk move to areas with less access or are closed to hunting, well this study basically demonstrates this. They do it more so in reaction to hunters than wolves. Study: Elk more likely to…

  • Accuses groups of being party to may become “one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century.” I’m not going to say much more about this other than to observe that RMEF seems to be adopting the same type of hyperbole that they accuse the pro wolf…

  • They really aren’t the huge, vicious “Canadian” wolves. Jon Rachel of the Idaho Fish and Game talks about wolves and debunks many of the myths that the wolf haters wish were true. State biologist clarifies wolf myths By JON DUVAL – Mountain Express

  • Editorial by the Casper Star Tribune- Tribune editorial says wolves not decimating NW Wyoming elk, wolves were introduced in fact so they would affect elk, but wolf management is needed. Here is today’s editorial on the day before the anti-wolf rally in Jackson, Wyoming.

  • Wolves are at the “top of their game” for only about a quarter of their life- Wolves Lose Their Predatory Edge In Mid-life, Study Shows. Trent Consultants News. ASMSU Exponent. Cougar are much better evolved for predation than wolves.

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