global warming

  • Impacts are Equal to Population multiplied by Tools multiplied by Energy available to drive those Tools Editors Note: The Wildlife News has a history of tackling difficult and sometimes uncomfortable or disturbing topics. This may be one for you… For those of us who care about our public lands and wildlife, we need to pull…

  • Increase since March probably due to unusual and destructive weather- After a period of general decline in belief among the general public that climate change is taking place, polls show a recent surge in believers. Very hot weather in the Eastern U.S. in March, the record breaking drought, and the sudden appearence of more than…

  • R L Miller’s post at Daily Kos looks at the Republican positions on climate science in six states, including Idaho. This is not a complete project. If you can add anything on candidates’ positions that would be interesting.  R L asked us for some help, but we were not able to give him much. Stupid…

  • Two brand new government reports show overwhelming scientific case for global warming — and go out of the way to repudiate skeptics- The truth about global warming. Monday, August 2, 2010. Washington Post editorial. Meanwhile Rolling Stone has a great article on the sorry death of the Climate Bill (or better stated the death of…

  • Yes, there are skeptical scientists, but climatology is hardly ever their field- Climate Expertise Lacking among Global Warming Contrarians. “A majority of scientists who dispute global warming lack the climatological expertise to do so.”  By David Biello. Scientific American. I would say that the “contrarians” have largely carried the day in public opinion.  Too bad…

  • The news just keeps getting worse on this blowout- Methane gas (natural gas) is what caused the explosion. Natural gas not only profoundly depletes oxygen in the ocean at this concentration, it is also a much stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. I have to wonder if a gas emission of this magnitude is a…

  • The Obama administration may issue an order that would expand the National Environmental Policy Act’s scope to prevent global warming. The move could open up new avenues to challenge projects. I review grazing allotment renewal documents and rarely, if ever, have I seen climate change discussed.  When it is discussed, and only in response to…

  • Republicans boycotted the committee vote, so the Democrats passed the bill without them, 10 to 1- What the Democrats did is what you might expect, but in the past the Democrats have said, “Oh we need some bipartisanship,” when it is clear the minority at present wants nothing to do with bipartisanship. I guess no…

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