October 1, 2008

  • Defenders raises a million dollars for more of the ad on Palin’s wolf hunting policy- From the Washington Post. By Juliet Eilperin. Enviro Group Expands Palin Wolf-Hunting Policy Ad Buy I notice it is slightly modified from the previous ad.

  • ESA suit on wolverines- The Bush//Kemphthorne Interior Dept. of course rejected the petition to list the wolverine. The evidence is that the decision was made at high levels of Interior, not at the scientific level. Is anyone surprised? So sue the bastards again. Lawsuit seeks Species Act protection for wolverine. By Susan Gallagher. Associated Press.…

  • After months of no news from Wyoming (and complaints from this forum). A Wyoming wolf weekly suddenly appeared in my box, not from Mike Jimenez, wolf state wolf manager, but from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Ed Bangs! It looks to me like the Wyoming wolf population is limping along, with a higher…

  • The roads all close (except the North Entrance) Nov. 3 at 8 AM. Complete story. Parts of Yellowstone closing up for winter. By The Billings Gazette Staff

  • Recent polls show Jeff Merkely tied or ahead of GOP incumbent Gordon Smith who has supported the Bush Plan (keep the dams) on the lower Snake River in Washington state. This is a regional (Pacific Northwest) issue, not a Washington state issue. Most fishery biologists think worthwhile salmon recovery in Idaho can’t happen with these…

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