July 15, 2009
Unrepresentative Board of Game and science-free biologists said to be the problem- Alaska biologists may be to blame for bad predator control policies. By Cathy Taibbi. National Examiner. I missed this earlier. This lengthy article is actually part 2 of Exploring Alaska’s wolf-control controversy. Government favors trophy hunting dollars over ecology.
Take Back Our Public Lands By Tom Woodbury, Western Watersheds Project, Addition by Ralph Maughan. This is also in New West. You can comment there as well as on this blog. 2008 should be remembered as the year of the buffalo. Over 1600 bison were slaughtered in Montana that year, about half of the last…
Firewood gatherer said to be attacked. Stabbed cougar ran off- Idaho Mountain Lion attack. AP
As of 7/13/09 914 sockeye salmon have crossed Lower Granite Dam. Last year was a record for modern times when 909 Sockeye Salmon passed over Lower Granite Dam and 450 plus 650 returned to the Sawtooth Valley. This year there have been 914 so far and the run is not over. There was a year…
New York Times very positive on the new Director of the National Park Service- When President Obama nominated Jon Jarvis to head the Park Service, I was not familiar with him. However, the New York Times thinks Jarvis is the “best news [they] have heard in the past nine years about the national parks” New…