June 3, 2010
Nanoparticles of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are not safe- This is very important for outdoor enthusiasts. There has always been controversy over sunscreens — about their effectiveness, screening UVA versus UVB, and migration of sunscreen chemicals into your body. Two you could always count on for safety, however, were the mineral oxides (zinc oxide…
It’s that season (again) ! Bighead clover in Artemisia rigida sites (click for larger picture).
As the slick is posed to hit western Florida coast, a model predicts a much wider spread- BP oil spill could spread to Atlantic Ocean. Christian Science Monitor. This comes amid predictions that the gusher won’t be stopped until relief wells intersect the oil reservoir in August. Even then, relief wells sometimes fail to work.…
IDFG/Wildlife Services’ war on wolves has begun. 42 wolves killed for 23 depredations. The monthly update from IDFG, which contains little useful or timely information, has been released for the month of April. It appears from the numbers that Wildlife Services has been given the permission to conduct extensive revenge killings on behalf of livestock…
Note that this replaces the 9th edition. That edition can be found slowly moving down into the depths of the blog. Please don’t post entire articles here, just the link, title and your comments about the article. Most of these violate copyright law. They also take up too much space.
Rare lions are to be killed to protect rare bighorn sheep. Ron Kearns, a frequent commentator on this site and retired wildlife biologist of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, was recently interviewed for a story about mountain lion management on the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. The refuge has set a policy which requires…