
  • The decreasing belief that Yellowstone bison are inherently brucellosis spreaders might open way for plains restoration- Today there is an optimistic article about bison by Daniel Person the Bozeman Chronicle. The bison cause brucellosis in cattle story has been under attack here and many other places now for a long time, and it is clear…

  • An article about the ill-conceived bison quarantine program that will likely be turning the majority of the progeny of these bison into privately owned livestock. The Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks’ bison quarantine project started several years ago in an attempt to create a brucellosis free heard of Yellowstone bison from captured calves which had…

  • A new resource page for the case Western Watersheds Project, et al. v. Salazar I hope this new page will prove to be another site for good information on efforts to compell the Park Service and Forest Service to stop cooperating in the bison slaughter and eventually allow a significant number of bison to live…

  • I think the headline should read “Bison Defends Itself from California Tourist at Yellowstone National Park” as the tourist approached within 10-feet of the bull.  I’m glad the man was not severely injured but every visitor is handed a little flyer with a drawing of a person being thrown through the air by a bison.…

  • All “the action” was at Horse Butte west of the Park- They were going to let 25 of what I sarcastically called “cyberbison” use the CUT (Church Universal and Triumphant)  land north of Yellowstone Park, but there was no northward migration this winter. Ranch land for bison sees no activity first year. By Daniel Person.…

  • Whatever happened to the vaunted new May 15 tolerance date? Supposedly it would be different this spring. Bison would allowed to migrate out of the Park and onto Horse Butte free from harassment until at least May 15. The reality is pretty much like recent years. Brutal Montana Department of Livestock agents and Yellowstone Park…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign: Buffalo have returned to Horse Butte Peninsula Here is an excerpt of today’s Buffalo Field Campaign Update from the Field. You can read the entire update here Dear Buffalo Friends, Wild buffalo have returned with the Spring! The song of mountain bluebirds is in the air, and tracks of the mighty bison…

  • Again, it’s not about disease, it’s about control over land, wildlife and people. Bison in quarantine near Gardiner. Photo © Kim Acheson, Buffalo Field Campaign Used with permission. While I think that the quarantine plan is misguided I do believe that those bison in the program should be allowed to roam freely as wildlife. This…

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